Is There a Difference Between My CBD Oil and My Dog’s CBD Oil?

CBD Oil dropper

I have extreme anxiety. I worry a lot, and CBD oil helps me, but is there a difference between my dog CBD oil and what’s in my human’s dropper?

The short answer? No. There is no difference between pet CBD oil and human CBD oil. Your dog can consume either. Just be hyper aware of dosage per pound of body weight.

Now for the long answer…

Disclaimer: The Can My Dog articles contain information based on the individual research and opinions of the author of the site – who just so happens to be a dog. How you utilize the information given is completely up to you. Proceed at your own risk.

The Quality of Your Pet’s CBD Oil

The CBD oil industry is becoming overly saturated which quickly creates an influx of low quality oils. We’ve seen an increase in production, in particular, after the Farm Bill of 2018 was passed. This bill legalized the production of hemp in the United States.

With that being said, ensure the CBD oil you’re giving your dog is top grade – human grade even – just be weary of specific dosage protocols.

I’ll make this part easy for you. Click the dosage calculator below and enter the information needed for measuring specificity.

DOSAGE CALCULATOR (provided by Honest Paws)

According to my friend Judy Morgan, a holistic veterinarian, “There should be no difference in ‘pet-quality’ oils. However, oils cannot be labeled for humans and pets to use, as [the] FDA does not allow that. Many human oils are pretty concentrated, so dosing becomes an issue for small pets.”

My pro tip to making sure my CBD oil is top-notch quality is only sourcing and purchasing an oil that comes with a certificate of analysis. This is generated by a third-party. It is also very important to ensure your CBD oil bottle includes the following on the label:

  • Active CBD amount per serving
  • Thorough ingredient list
  • Weight
  • Manufacturer / Distributor
  • Suggested dosage
  • Batch code (or a date will suffice)

Human CBD Oil vs. Pet CBD Oil

I said earlier, that these two can be interchangeable. Let’s look into that just a bit more.

Human grade CBD oil is typically concentrated. Because of this, it is essential to pay close attention to dosing recommendations, in particular with smaller dogs.

If the pet CBD oil manufacturer is reputable, (and you should only be purchasing from these thoroughly vetted suppliers) they will only produce oils that are human grade and not altered or “cut” with unnecessary additives.

In this case, you’re more than welcome to drop a dose of your dog’s CBD oil in your mouth right after administering theirs to them.

We’ll make it a ‘thing’. Give me mine and then you squirt yours. Sounds fun.

Is CBD Oil Safe for My Dog?

There have been studies conducted in attempts to find any adverse effects in relation to CBD oil consumption in dogs. Needless to say, research is limited.

This is also the case for human CBD oil consumption, but the benefits are speaking for themselves. Perhaps this is partial cause for the sudden uproar in products being sold. From treats, to oils, to lotions. CBD oil is everywhere.

“Overall, the product was well tolerated clinically. However, clinically significant adverse effect, particularly diarrhea and elevations in serum ALP levels, are noteworthy and warrant further discussion and research”. [Stephanie McGrath, Veterinary Neurologist at Colorado State University]

Judy Morgan goes on to conclude, “Although I have had people accidentally use 10 times the recommended dose with no side effects, the side effects would be more magnified in very small dogs, especially if using a very concentrated oil.”

Morgan continues to iterate that she has yet to see any extreme or adverse reactions in dogs from CBD oil consumption.

The main takeaway here is dosage in conjunction with overall dog weight and size. Be mindful of this. Pay attention, humans. I’m going to say this a lot today – it’s worth repeating.

I’ll make it even easier for you again and add the DOSAGE CALCULATOR from Honest Paws here as well.

Best CBD Oil Brands

I haven’t tried all of these, but I’ve heard good things. Click here to read my comprehensive review on Onyx and Rose’s Pet CBD Oil and why I’ll never ever buy another brand.

  1. Onyx & Rose CBD Pet Oil
  2. Balance CBD
  3. King Kanine
  4. Honest Paws
  5. Canna Pet
  6. NuLeaf Naturals

Your Dog Can Get High – Very High If Exposed to THC

As much fun as this may be for you, I feel an urgency to express caution here. We (dogs) have a VERY low tolerance for the psychoactive effects of tetrahydrocannobinol (THC). It does not take much to alter our normal senses.

If you’ve gotten us ‘high’ we’ll display the following symptoms:

  • We’ll get the drunk walks (Ataxia)
  • Dilated eyes (we’ll express a glazed-over look)
  • Decreased mental stimulation
  • We may get the pukes
  • Pee dribbles
  • Heart rate could do one of two things: Speed up or slow down
  • Agitation or stupor

CBD Oil’s Health Benefits for Your Dog

Just like the health benefits for our humans, we can experience good things as a result of consistent CBD oil usage.

Some of the benefits include but are certainly not limited to:

  • Minimizing joint pain
  • Helping with arthritis pain
  • Increase appetite
  • Limit seizures
  • Nausea
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Decrease cancer symptoms
  • Lessen tummy troubles
  • Chronic inflammation
  • Muscle spasms
  • Skin conditions
  • Neurological disorders

It goes without saying that I am a fan of the oils. They’ve worked wonders for me and my anxiety – especially when my humans have to leave to go to work. Worst thing ever. I can handle it a bit better with my oils though.

Is CBD Oil Right for Your Dog

Yes. Give it a try at least. The benefits in my experience far outweigh that of any possible or potential side effects.

Every dog, no matter the breed or size can greatly benefit from CBD oil. This is one supplemental treat that I recommend to all my friends in the dog park. Especially the ones that complain frequently, seem stressed, or are just generally high strung. It’s the proverbial “chill pill” we can all benefit from.

Just remember to start slow and with proper dosages. Perhaps even land on the side of lower than recommended dosing to start out. If I can reiterate two main takeaways from this post it would be:

Buy from a trusted and well vetted supplier, and PAY ATTENTION TO RECOMMENDED DOSAGES PER POUND OF BODY WEIGHT.

Sorry for yelling. It’s important and I don’t want you to forget. I know how you humans can be 🙂

As always, humans, continue to Live, Love, Laugh, and Scratch our bellies often!

Love you guys,


P.S. If you’re new to this world, you may want to check out my Ultimate Guide for First Time Dog Parents. It’s a great reference to get you started on this journey.

Related Questions

Can I Give My Dog My CBD Oil?

Your dog can safely ingest human CBD oil if it does NOT contain any THC. Your dog can get high and has a low tolerance for THC so tread lightly.

Human grade CBD oil is the only oil you should be giving your dog, anyway. Quality is extremely important when it comes to tinctures.

Disclaimer: You must be sensitive to the dosage protocols. Be sure to read the directions and only give the recommended dose based on weight and age.

What Kind of CBD Oil is Best for Dogs?

I’ve tried numerous brands of dog CBD oil and Onyx and Rose‘s brand was by far the best in terms of quality, taste, sourcing, testing, and customer service.

One of Onyx and Rose’s best qualities is that they use a third party lab to test their products. This is a crucial step in terms of authenticity.

Ensure that the CBD oil you choose for your dog contains these prerequisites:

  • Organically grown hemp
  • 100% THC free
  • Third-party lab tested
  • Broad spectrum
  • Manufactured in the USA
  • Guarantee analysis

Onyx and Rose assures all of the above. I wrote a comprehensive review on this brand a while back. I was not paid nor am I an affiliate of Onyx and Rose.

Read more here: Onyx and Rose pet CBD oil review and why I’ll never use another brand.

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