Editorial Policy for Can My Dog

The Editorial Team

Can My Dog’s editorial team is made up of one primary author who writes from the perspective of her dog, Jax (singing off as JTB in all blog posts).

For all practical and legal purposes moving forward, JTB is the “author” of this content site.

The articles are then thoroughly reviewed by the Executive Director or Managing Editor (Site Owner). The editor reviews a draft of each piece of content and applies her technical knowledge to make revisions where necessary. The editor may suggest reworking or rearrangement of material to improve clarity and readability. The editor may request more information where needed and omit information that is irrelevant or insignificant. When necessary, the editor will consult directly with industry experts.

Engagement and Tone

The Can My Dog blog is constructed in a way to exude informational content while simultaneously displaying acts of personality through the thoughts and words of a dog.

The originality of the site author is intended for the use of individuals seeking helpful information about their dogs or dogs in general.

We promote the use and engagement of this site via mediums such as social media and more specifically, Pinterest.

Can My Dog is a conversational publication and uses both personal and free images and videos throughout the content.


On occasion Can My Dog will employ the help of “contributors” to expedite overall content production and publishing frequency.

At that point the content produced by a third party is then edited by the Executive Director and Managing Editor to ensure tone symmetry and writer style before publishing any outsourced content.

Contributors are responsible for meeting deadlines and confirming the timely receipt of their submissions by the Can My Dog executive team. Contributors must acknowledge that the editor and executive director have the final word on content and tone.

Content Compilation

The editor compiles the topics and provide copies to executive director/managing editor for review.

The editor and executive director/managing editor makes their changes and additions, as necessary, and puts the drafts into page proof format. The editor, executive director/managing editor, review the final layout in Word format.

The editor is consulted during the production process whenever questions related to content arise.

Content Development and Schedule

Stages of content development are as follows:

  • Articles are prepared for review, providing initial copyediting and formatting.
  • The editor reviews for content and contacts authors (if using a third party) if there are any changes that affect meaning.
  • The editor compiles a document of all the articles for internal review.
  • Upon return of the document, the editor facilitates layout and publishing timeline.
  • Once finalized, the editor publishes the online version to WordPress.