Can I Give My Dog Pepto Bismol? The Updated Guide 2023

Usually, when humans get an upset stomach, we pop a Pepto Bismol. So, you might wonder, can I give my dog Pepto Bismol as well? This medicine may relieve humans from an upset stomach but is it safe for your dog?

Taking care of your dog takes the same amount of effort as taking care of a human baby. Upset stomachs and severe diarrhea are common when your dog gobbles down anything they see. Monitoring them is not an easy task.

That’s why we’ve prepped this article for you.

What is Pepto Bismol and How Does it Work?

bottle of pepto bismol

Pepto Bismol is a medicine found in many households’ medicine cabinets. It solves mild problems of diarrhea, stomach aches, acid reflux, heartburn, etc. It’s an effective and safe medicine for humans.

Since it works so well for humans, you may be wondering, can I give my dog Pepto Bismol? Keep reading to find out.

Pepto Bismol in Dogs

Pepto Bismol contains an active substance called Bismuth Subsalicylate. The former aids the gastroprotection qualities of the dog as it’s a metal particle that can connect to other molecules with ease. The latter features anti-inflammatory properties and is also a form of aspirin.

This drug is composed of liquid that sticks to the stomach lining and surface of the intestines and absorbs harmful bacteria that cause diarrhea. The active ingredient present inside the liquid coats the intestines and stomach and relieves your dog from abdominal pain and other tummy problems.

Can I Give My Dog Pepto Bismol?

woman feeding dog in park

The answer to your question, ‘Can I give my dog Pepto Bismol?’ is YES!

It’s safe for dogs, but only if it’s given under the guidance of a veterinarian. However, it must not be used for the long term.

Pepto Bismol has amazing healing properties but if it is given to your dog without the green light of a veterinarian, it can seriously harm your dog. Since it’s similar to Tylenol and Ibuprofen, it can have serious side effects such as stomach ulcers if given without vet consultation.

Side Effects of Pepto Bismol on Dogs

Pepto Bismol is considered safe for dogs, however, the research is limited and incomplete when it comes to its effect on dogs.

All medicines usually have some side effects and the same can be said for this medicine. Following are some side effects you need to look out for:


Antidiarrheal medication can often cause constipation in humans and it’s safe to assume that it can have the same effect in dogs.

If your pet is suffering from constipation, give them plenty of water and change their diet to liquid form.

Change in Stool Color

If your dog’s stool color changes into a darker color after giving them Pepto Bismol, don’t panic – it’s normal.

The color of the stool changes because of Bismuth, one of the main components found in the medicine, which makes the stool look darker than usual.

It can be concerning sometimes when the stool color changes. That’s because darker or black stools are often associated with internal bleeding and gastrointestinal issues.

So, we strongly advise you to visit a veterinary hospital if required.

Can be Toxic if Given in a Large Dose

Can I give my dog Pepto Bismol? Yes, Bismuth Subsalicylate products have amazing healing elements. However, it can have some toxic effects in large volumes or dosages. Stomach pain and diarrhea in dogs can get more severe and vomiting may also occur.

Severe medical issues such as liver and kidney failure can also happen if the medication is continued for an unsupervised period.

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Reasons Behind Stomach Issues in Dogs

sick dog

Your pet can experience mild diarrhea, stomach pain, etc. for many reasons, but some of the most common reasons are:

  • Stress
  • Allergic reactions
  • Eating unfamiliar and unsafe food resulting in food poisoning
  • Parasite infections, viral infections, and different types of bacteria
  • Diseases such as cancer and pancreatitis should not be ruled out. If your dog gets extremely sick, consider going to an emergency vet clinic.

Symptoms such as loose stool, vomiting, and abdominal pain often signal that your pup may be experiencing a stomach problem or diarrhea. Watch out for these symptoms.

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Alternatives to Pepto Bismol

Can I give my dog Pepto Bismol? Yes, it’s safe to give this medicine to dogs. However, you might want to consider a few alternatives and simple home remedies before you give this medicine to your pup.

Mild diarrhea and vomiting only last for 12-24 hours (sometimes 24-48). When your dog is feeling sick, avoid physical activity.

Shorten walks and playtime, and provide lots of water. The most effective medicine is rest.

Often when dogs are sick, they lose their appetite. Consider changing their regular diet to a bland diet.

Feed them small portions of boiled rice, chicken, and pumpkin, things that will be easy to digest. Keep your furry friend under your watch for 24 hours, and if they’re able to digest the food and not vomit it out, you can go back to the regular diet.

It’s also essential to know when to seek medical help. You may want to get professional help if your dog’s medical condition worsens over time. Vomiting blood is not a good sign! If your dog starts to vomit blood, immediately go to a vet.

Instead of self-medication and giving them intensive meds, we always recommend getting prescribed medications.


Can I give my dog Pepto Bismol if she is pregnant?

We do not recommend this medicine for pregnant dogs. It can cause bleeding and clotting inside the stomach of the dog which can cause miscarriage.

Can I give my dog Pepto Bismol if they are vomiting nonstop?

Pepto Bismol will help relieve your dog but we recommend you take your dog to a professional before giving the medicine.

Try simple home remedies fire but if that’s not helping, consider professional help.

Can my cat take Pepto Bismol?

No! Pepto Bismol is considered toxic for cats since it has similar ingredients to aspirin. If by accident, your cat has consumed the liquid, go to an emergency vet immediately.

What is the accurate liquid dosage for dogs?

The dosage of the medicine depends on the weight of your dog. Usually, vets will prescribe 5ml per 10 pounds.

Closing Thoughts

Pepso Bismol is generally considered a safe and useful medication when it comes to treating diarrhea and upset stomach, but for dogs, it might differ. So, if you are still wondering, ‘can I give my dog Pepto Bismol?’ The final answer is yes! But we strongly advise consulting a vet before you give your furry friend the medicine.

Alternatively, try more natural home remedies first. If the alternatives aren’t working, then you can consult a vet and give the medicine to your dog.

One thing to always remember is that upset stomachs are usually cured within 1-2 days. Seek professional help if the problem persists because there could be an underlying health issue.


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