When Do Puppies Start Teething? All Your Questions Answered!

Teething is a big challenge for new dog owners. But, when do puppies start teething?

You’ll notice the teething phase has started when your puppy starts chewing everything they see – your favorite pair of shoes, toys, etc.

Just like human babies, teething can cause an enormous amount of stress to both the owner and the pup.

When Do Puppies Start Teething?

teeth of puppy

Teething is an important phase in the development of puppies, and fortunately, there are many things you can do to help your puppy during this stage.

Usually, puppies start getting their initial baby teeth at two weeks (sometimes four). At this stage, you won’t notice them teething as they’ll likely still be under the care of their mommy dog.

At week four, puppies get four sets of canine teeth and the premolars will be fully developed by the time your puppy turns six weeks old. At this age, mom dogs will stop feeding their young as the puppies’ teeth get sharp and start hurting.

So, when do puppies start teething? The first stage of puppy teething is between weeks eight and twelve. The first set of teeth is sharp and pointy.

When your puppy’s adult teeth are starting to develop, it’ll push out the baby teeth so that they have space to grow. This is why their gums hurt and to ease the pain, they start chewing on anything they see in front of them.

Most pups will stop the teething process after turning 6-7 months old. However, some pups can extend their period of teething depending on when they get all of their permanent teeth.

Is it Normal for Puppies’ Teeth to Fall Out?

Yes, if you notice small teeth around the house, they belong to your furry friend, and it’s normal.

By the time puppies turn 12 weeks old, their baby teeth will start falling out. You may or may not find the baby teeth around the house – most of the time they end up swallowing them. It’s not a matter of concern if your dog consumes their teeth – it’s pretty common.

When the dogs are at this age, it’s expected that their permanent adult teeth are fully developed. But there can be some rare cases when they haven’t received it all. That’s because extra teeth, such as molars and premolars, can take some time to appear (around 5-7 months).

At What Age Do Puppies Stop Teething?

After answering “when do puppies start teething?”, another question arises: When does it stop?

The stage of teething can be annoying for dog owners as it can last till their puppy turns 6-7 months old. But one thing to remember is that chewing may never stop – even after the teething, your furry friend will chew on things.

But this is where dog owners have to teach their dogs to chew on the right things – dog toys! Instead of letting your dog chew on expensive footwear or furniture, you can buy fun chew toys. These toys will not only protect their teeth but also clean and strengthen their jaws.

How Do You Differentiate Chewing and Teething?

This question is common among many dog owners. How can you differentiate between chewing and teething? Here are a few tips to spot teething:

Bleeding Gums

Don’t panic if you see spots of blood on toys or any other place where your pup has chewed. Bleeding gums are a sign of teething. Puppies experience sore and swollen gums when they are at the teething stage.

Longer and Slower Eating Time

Your furry friend will start eating slowly when they’re going through the teething phase. When you notice it happening, change their diet. Replace crunchy food with soft and easily chewable food so that it doesn’t irritate their sore gums. You can also soak their food in water so that it’s easier to chew.

Excess Drool

If you notice an increase in drool, it’s a sign your dog is teething. Saliva is good for them during the teething stage as it helps them to lower the pain of their sore gums.

Tips to Help Your Puppy During Teething

puppy chewing on toy

Now that you know the answer to, “when do puppies start teething,” it’s time to learn how to help your puppy during this stage of development.

You cannot stop your dog from chewing to soothe its sore gums. Therefore, it’s essential to incorporate healthy chewing habits.

The amount of chewing often depends on the type of breed, but here are some general tips to help:

Keep Dangerous Items Away

Puppy proofing is ideal to protect your pet from harming themselves. Remove items that can harm them like wires, cables, toxic objects, etc. Only put things that are safe to chew in front of them.

Buy Chew Toys

There are many edible puppy teething treats and dog-specific chew toys that can help them during teething. Safe chew toys are the best way to keep them safe. Here’s how you can pick the safest toy for your pet.

Try Teething Gel

Teething gels can help with sore gums by numbing the pain and getting them to avoid chewing on valuable or dangerous items when they are not under your supervision.

Be sure you go through our Ultimate Guide on Should I Let My Dog Hump His Toy?

Take Care of Your Puppy’s Teeth

dental brushing dogs teeth

When discussing when do puppies start teething, it’s important to also talk about oral hygiene.

Keep your dog’s teeth clean and healthy. If possible, start taking care of their teeth and mouth at a young age so they get used to it.

There are many canine toothpaste and finger brushes available that will assist you. Regular brushing can help with healthy gums and avoid stinky breaths.

Check out our blog on Is It Bad To Store Dog Food in Plastic Bins?

Wrapping Up

Pet owners often ask, when do puppies start teething? By being aware of when it’s happening, you can provide teething-specific toys and regularly check on your puppy’s teeth and gums to ensure that they are healthy and clean.

The teething process can be tough for both your pet and you. With proper attention, care, and chew toys, you can get through it with ease.

We hope that we’ve answered your question about when do puppies start teething in this article. However, if required, you can always consult a veterinary dentist.


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