Why Is My Dog Eating Grass All of a Sudden? Find Out Here!

Most likely, if you own a dog, you’ve seen it eating grass at some point. Many dogs occasionally eat grass. Sometimes they just spit it out after they have chewed it up, but other times they may swallow it.

Have you ever wondered why that is? Or became a little anxious because your pet does this? It’s not just you.

“Why is my dog eating grass all of a sudden?” is a common question among dog owners, as they want to understand what this means for their canine companion. This guide will explain why dogs eat grass and what you should do when this happens.

Why Is My Dog Eating Grass All of a Sudden?

why is my dog eating grass all of a sudden

It’s Simply an Instinct

Biological instinct is one straightforward explanation as to why dogs eat grass. To hunt and scavenge for food is a natural ancestral instinct in canines. Dogs’ ancestors used to survive by consuming grass as well as other plants, bones, and meat.

Experts believe that eating grass is a natural, normal behavior inherited from wild dogs millennia ago. Dogs in the past required superb hunting skills to survive, both individually and as a pack.

Grass-eating likely evolved to help predators hide from their prey. Dogs have developed into omnivores over time, just like humans, which explains why they still have a taste for grass.

They Are Missing Some Nutrients in Their Diet

Dogs also turn to grass because their bodies tell them their normal diet is deficient in some way.

Dogs are particularly skilled at recognizing their dietary shortcomings and attempting to fill them. For instance, when a dog is lacking fiber, it will start eating grass because it is high in fiber.

To ensure you have the proper balance of nutrition before making homemade meals, it is best to speak with a professional. You might want to add natural herbs or some vegetables to your dog’s diet if you realize that it has been chomping on grass or indoor plants.

It Is a Sign of Boredom

dog eating grass

Dogs are naturally curious and active animals that quickly become bored if not given enough stimulating and healthy activities to keep them occupied. In times of boredom, dogs often chew on things.

Dogs eat grass for a variety of reasons, one of which is that it’s enjoyable. Since many pet parents will go outside to get their dog to stop eating grass, the dog might also view it as a way to garner your attention so it can play with you.

Try making your dog more active to curb their appetite if you have a bored dog who has started munching on a bit of grass. This could entail more frequent strolls or time at a dog park. You could also simply spend more time playing with your dog.

The Dog has an Upset Stomach

Dogs frequently turn to grass when their stomach is upset after eating too much or consuming something bad. Since grass is hard to digest, it helps with stomach aches.

Once the grass tickles the dog’s throat, it can also tempt them to vomit, which frequently helps them get rid of the bad food they eat and fixes the issue.

However, keep an eye out for a sudden spike in grass consumption as this might be an indication that your dog is attempting to self-medicate for a more severe underlying illness. You may require immediate veterinary assistance in this situation.

The Dog Is Feeling Anxious

Your dog may eat grass as a coping mechanism if they experience separation anxiety. Dogs can sometimes eat so much grass that it becomes an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

The dog may begin by nibbling on a blade of grass whenever it feels anxious, sad, or nervous. As time goes on, these grass-eating behaviors may become excessive and out of control.

Generally, these situations call for the assistance of a veterinary behaviorist after any underlying medical issues have been ruled out.

Is Eating Grass Harmful to Dogs?

dog eating grass

Grass is not poisonous to dogs alone. Whatever the true cause, you can be certain that a normal, healthy dog will typically eat grass at one point or another. 

However, sometimes grass can get lodged in your dog’s throat. It should concern you if your dog paws at their mouth or appears troubled after they eat grass.

It is also important to remember that some pesticides and herbicides used on lawns can be toxic if consumed.

When Should Your Dog Eating Grass Concern You?

Although dogs eating grass is generally considered harmless, there are a few instances where you should be vigilant of any additional symptoms. Those circumstances include:

  • Chewing on grass and panting a lot
  • Coughing while eating grass
  • Throwing up after eating grass

In these circumstances, it may indicate that your dog needs assistance. It could be a severe issue. Eating grass may also be the trigger of an issue — this could be a result of poison or pesticides. Other concerning symptoms include 

  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Body weight loss
  • Bloody stool
  • Tiredness
  • Licking lips

 At the least, these indications warrant a call to your veterinarian.


Why is my dog eating grass all of a sudden? There are tons of reasons. 

Although it’s common for dogs to eat grass, frantic eating of grass — particularly when it’s unusual — could be a problem. It may indicate that your dog has unmet diet needs, is experiencing boredom, or has an upset stomach.

Since grass is known to help them throw up, your dog might have an upset stomach if it starts doing it out of nowhere. Consult your veterinarian if your dog is eating a lot of grass and appears to be in discomfort.

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