Why Does My Husky Whine So Much?

Siberian Husky standing outside with their mouth slightly open
This isn’t Callie, but I liked the picture and wanted to use it. Get off my case about it.

Good question. Callie whines all. of. the. time. Drives me bananas. I’m a dog who likes to prioritize his naps to the tops of all lists. That husky whine can send me spiraling into an unnerving abyss of insanity.

So, why do they do it and how do I turn it off?

Huskies are innately animalistic causing them to communicate through sound – much like their wolf cousins. Huskies whine when they want attention, when they feel pain, when they’re really excited, or when they’re scared or lonely.

Basically huskies whine to communicate all things and it’s up to you to learn to differentiate the causes. Don’t worry though. I’ll teach you how to do this.

I have a husky sister that I love dearly. I know her well, which is ultimately what makes me an expert on the husky whine epidemic my family experiences on a daily basis. If you don’t think this warrants enough expertise on the topic then you’re more than welcome to click out of this article and on to another. You won’t hurt my feelings – basically because I’ll have no idea whether you do that or not.

Disclaimer: The Can My Dog articles contain information based on the individual research and opinions of the author of the site – who just so happens to be a dog. How you utilize the information given is completely up to you. Proceed at your own risk.

Understanding Their Whiny Reasoning

It stands to reason that if your husky whines for everything under the sun, then you’re going to need to pay close attention to the things going on around her, as well as her behaviors related to the whine during any of these whining occasions.

Sound complicated?

It’s not. Keep reading and I’ll explain.

The “I need some attention” whine

This one will be relatively obvious – most of the time. Huskies are pack animals and do not do well in situations where they are alone or feel alone.

What does this mean? Rub them.

Let me give you an example: Callie isn’t okay with just laying on the bed with me and the parents. No, she needs to be actively touched. If her right elbow isn’t being constantly rubbed by our mom then here comes the attention whine.

My mom gives in to this every single time. She has created a monster and I tell her this, but she never listens. Serves her right that she’s stuck constantly rubbing a husky elbow because of it.

The “I’m really excited” whine

This one should be obvious as well.

Just look around. What’s happening in this very moment? Is there a friend visiting your house? Are you going for a ride in the car? Is your husky in a wide open field full of running possibilities? Does your husky want to go outside and sunbathe?

Is there environmental factors surrounding your husky during this particular whine that are without a reasonable doubt….exciting to her?

If yes, then welcome to the husky excitement whine.

This literally happened to us yesterday on a car ride. You’ll never believe the amount of whine that was coming from Callie’s mouth. I have a video. Just watch this…

This is 5 full seconds of Callie’s “I’m so super pumped to be riding in the car” whine. You’re welcome.

The “Something hurts” whine

This type of whine can sneak up on a human, BUT it’s easy to differentiate between the other wines because your husky will be acting different.

Your husky be limping, licking something excessively, moving slower, lying around the house more than usual, not eating, etc.

You will notice almost immediately if your husky isn’t feeling well of if she’s injured in some way.

Dogs in general are structured and driven by routine. If all of a sudden their normal routine changes, pay attention. They could be telling you that something isn’t right.

A husky will accompany this behavior with their ‘I don’t feel great’ whines.

The “I’m Scared” whine

Obvious one.

Is your husky currently running from something? Is there an intruder? Because, let’s be honest, a good guard dog a husky is NOT.

Did your wife just put a skin care mud mask on her face and is chasing your husky around the house making horrifying growling sounds?

Is this why your husky is whining?

If you answered yes to any of those, then welcome to the ‘I’m scared’ husky whine. As I’m sure you’ve picked up on by now, most of these whines can easily be deciphered if you’re paying attention to what is going on around your husky at the time of the whines.

Let me repeat this a little louder for the article skimmers and the people seated in the back:


The “I’m Lonely” whine

I quickly referenced the wolf cousins in an opening paragraph above. I bring this up to better make the point of pack mentality. Huskies need consistent, some may even say continuous, social interactions throughout the day.

I was 2 years old when my parents adopted Callie, so she never ever ever experienced a time alone. I have been with here every single day since she was 5 weeks old. She’s 3 years old at the time I’m writing this.

But for those of you out there who have a one pup household and that pup just happens to be a husky – you may consider a dog sibling for them. They get lonely very easily and this could be the reason for the whines, cries, and howls you’re experiencing.

If you leave your husky alone a lot, you’re guaranteed to come home to the ‘I’m lonely’ whine and I absolutely do NOT feel sorry for you. Don’t leave your baby by themselves so much.

Do You Need to Worry?

Well. That depends.

If your husky is crying because they’re really excited, then no, don’t worry.

If your husky is crying because they’re wanting attention, then no, don’t worry – just start rubbing their elbow. Works like a charm.

If your husky is crying because they don’t feel good, then yes, perhaps raise your worry antenna a bit.

Assess the situation as best you can and call the vet to see what she thinks.

If your husky is crying because they’re scared, then also yes, perhaps figure our why they’re scared and if you should be running and hiding along with them. Oh, and stop scaring your huskies on purpose. Not funny, humans.

If your husky is crying because they’re lonely, then don’t necessarily worry, but do something about it. Add another pup to the mix or make a conscious effort to spend more quality time with your husky.

Obviously these instances are circumstantial and completely dependent upon your husky’s individual personality and typical demeanor. You know your husky better than anyone else – just…. PAY ATTENTION to her.

How to Stop Your Husky From Whining When You Leave

Funny you should ask. I actually wrote a comprehensive post on this very topic a while back. I’ll link it for you here if you’re at all interested and want to take a deeper plunge into my thoughts on the matter.

If you’re feeling lazy and don’t want to touch your thumb to the link above, then I’ll list the general outline to follow below:

  • Set a routine
  • Don’t overemphasize exits or entrances
  • Is your husky getting enough exercise?
  • Get your dog a dog sister or brother
  • Dog CBD oil

Can My Husky Be Trained to Not Whine?

Of course.

Dogs can be trained to do or to not do almost anything.

In my dog opinion, I wouldn’t stifle your husky’s vocal-ness unless it is completely out of hand and non stop. Trust me, I understand how annoying that ear piercing whine can be a times, but it’s how your husky chooses to communicate. Careful not to take her voice away or make her shy away from wanting to talk with you.

But if Chatty Cathy just will not put a lid on it, there are some steps you can take to help slow down the amount of times and reasons she cries.

Option 1

Reward quiet behavior with treats and ear scratches.

Ignore / don’t reward vocal behavior.

Yes, it’s that simple. However, what isn’t simple is the consistency with which you humans must perform these actions on a daily basis. You can’t reward some here and ignore a few whines there and expect anything to change.

Routine. How many times must I say this?

Option 2

Teach your husky to know and understand 2 words.



Or any other synonyms that you want to use – just remember the words you choose and use them consistently.

The trick with this training option is to teach your husky to know the difference between when she’s being quiet and when she’s being vocal based on the commands you ‘bark’. Ha.

It is easiest to start with ‘speak‘. When your husky responds with any noise, reward her immediately with a treat of some kind. Once she has that down pat, begin working on ‘hush‘.

Reward her silence with this.

Do not, I repeat, do not mix up your reward hand outs and confuse your husky. Bless their hearts, they get confused easily.

Stay regimented, stay consistent.

Reward for specific behavioral responses.

Don’t muddy the waters, humans.

A Husky’s Final Thoughts on the Issue at Hand

I know I (Jax) usually wrap these articles up with a nice little bow for you, but my sister wanted to get some thoughts off of her husky chest on the matter.

In Callie’s words: “Hi hoomens. My name is Callie. I like Mariah Carey and I like to sing her words. Please don’t be mad when I sing. My brudder says it hurts his ears, but it makes me happy. I want you to let all of my husky brudders and sisters sing as loud as they want. Unless we’re singing because we’re hurt and that’s a completely different sound. Thanks. Luh you.

That’s it for today, folks.

But as always, continue to Live, Love, Laugh, and Scratch our bellies often.

Love you guys,


P.S. If you’re new to this world, you may want to check out my Ultimate Guide for First Time Dog Parents. It’s a great reference to get you started on this journey.

This article has been reviewed by our Editorial Board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our Editorial Policies.

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