Kategori: Scholarship

Informasi Beasiswa DataPrint Periode 1 2024 Kini Telah Dibuka

Program Beasiswa DataPrint sudah memasuki tahun keempat belas. Setelah sukses memberikan program beasiswa dari tahun 2011 hingga 2023, DataPrint kembali hadir bersama program beasiswa untuk para penggunanya yang adalah mahasiswa aktif. Untuk mengenal varian produk DataPrint, Anda dapat mengunjungi situs resmi DataPrint di www.dataprint.co.id. Pendaftaran beasiswa bisa di lakukan di www.beasiswadataprint.com.

Pada tahun 2024, Beasiswa DataPrint kembali memberikan dan menyediakan kepada pendaftar terpilih. Tahun ini, pendaftaran beasiswa akan di lakukan setiap 2 bulan yang terbagi dalam 4 periode. Jadi, kesempatan Anda untuk memperoleh peluang semakin besar dan terbuka lebar di tahun ini. Harap di ingat, Anda juga harus membuat video esai yang bagus (sesuai pendapat pribadi) sesuai tema yang di tentukan dan mengisi formulir bersama data yang akurat dan benar.

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Tidak ada sistem kuota berdasarkan wilayah dan/atau sekolah/perguruan tinggi. Hal ini bertujuan supaya beasiswa bisa diterima secara merata oleh seluruh pengguna DataPrint di Indonesia.

Harus di pahami bahwa Beasiswa DataPrint BUKANLAH beasiswa untuk pembiayaan penuh biaya pendidikan. Kami memberikan beasiswa dalam bentuk uang tunai menjadi dana tambahan biaya pendidikan. Rata-rata dana beasiswa yang di berikan merupakan Rp 500 ribu/penerima beasiswa. Dana beasiswa HANYA di berikan satu kali kepada peserta yang lulus penilaian. Aspek penilaian menurut VIDEO ESSAY, PRESTASI, AKTIVITAS, LINK info beasiswa.

Beasiswa yang di salurkan di harapkan bisa meringankan biaya pendidikan sekaligus memacu para penerima beasiswa untuk bisa lebih berprestasi, aktif dan kreatif di mana pun berada. Jadi langusng segera daftarkan diri Anda, klik kolom FORMULIR PENDAFTARAN di website www.beasiswadataprint.com!

Tema esai bagi kolom esai, Petunjuk pengisian pada kolom Cara Pengisian, tolong di baca dengan cermat dan benar. Kupon yang berlaku selama periode 1 tahun 2024 dapat di pakai mulai dari kode KUPON 2021, KUPON GEBYAR DATAPRINT (2022), KUPON DATAPRINT (2023) dan KUPON DATAPRINT 2024 (2024). Formulir pendaftaran yang memakai kupon selain kupon tersebut akan didiskualifikasi.

6 Cara Daftar Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud 2024 Program Sarjana, Magister, dan Doktor Dibuka Hari Ini

Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbud Ristek) membuka kembali pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan 2024 hari ini, Senin (1/7/2024) sampai 14 Juli mendatang. Program beasiswa ini memberikan peluang emas untuk putra putri terbaik bangsa Indonesia untuk mengenyam pendidikan tinggi.

Beasiswa Unggulan 2024 di peruntukkan untuk mahasiswa yang akan atau sedang menempuh pendidikan sarjana (S1), magister (S2), atau doktor (S3) di perguruan tinggi negeri atau swasta di bawah naungan Kemendikbud Ristek.

Program ini menyediakan bantuan pendidikan menyeluruh yang meliputi biaya pendidikan, biaya hidup, dan biaya buku. Khusus untuk mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas, beasiswa ini juga memastikan biaya penelitian dan biaya hidup pendamping.

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Panduan Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan 2024

Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan 2024 hanya di lakukan secara online melalui situs resmi beasiswaunggulan.kemdikbud.go.id. Berikut meupakan langkah-langkah pendaftarannya:

1. Masukkan NIK, email aktif, password, dan tanggal lahir
2. Kunjungi situs resmi beasiswaunggulan.kemdikbud.go.id
3. Pastikan semua data valid dan lengkap
4. Simpan data dan verifikasi melalui email
5. Lengkapi data diri dan dokumen yang di butuhkan
6. Masuk kembali ke laman dengan akun yang sudah terverifikasi

Persyaratan Umum

Beragam persyaratan umum yang harus di penuhi oleh calon penerima Beasiswa Unggulan 2024 antara lain:

Memperoleh rekomendasi dari pihak berwenang
Memiliki prestasi akademik dan nonakademik internasional/nasional
Belum pernah menempuh pendidikan pada jenjang yang sama
Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dengan komponen pembiayaan yang sama
Bukan dosen, guru, tenaga kependidikan, atau pelaku budaya
Di terima di perguruan tinggi yang terakreditasi minimal B
Berkomitmen mempertahankan IPK minimal 3,00 (S1) atau 3,25 (S2 dan S3)

Daftar Dokumen yang Diperlukan

Calon pendaftar harus menyiapkan beberapa dokumen penting, antara lain Lainnya:

Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (bagi mahasiswa tetap)
Surat Keterangan Aktif Belajar (bagi mahasiswa tetap)
Surat Keterangan Tidak Lulus/LoA (bagi mahasiswa baru)
Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai Terakhir
KHS semester 1 dan 2 (bagi mahasiswa tetap)
Rencana Studi (S2) atau Proposal Penelitian Disertasi (S3)
Sertifikat UKBI dan Bahasa Inggris (sesuai ketentuan)
Surat Pernyataan Pelamar
Sertifikat Prestasi dan Kompetensi
Surat Rekomendasi

Berikut Jadwal Seleksi Beasiswa Unggulan 2024

Seleksi Tahap I: 15 Juli 2024 s/d 4 Agustus 2024
Pendaftaran: 1 Juli-14 Juli 2024
Seleksi Tahap II 12 Agustus 2024 s/d 31 Agustus 2024
Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap I 9 Agustus 2024
Syarat dan Ketentuan Penjelasan Penandatanganan Kontrak: akan di informasikan kemudian laman beasiswaunggulan.kemdikbud.go.id
Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap II 10 September 2024

Here is the List of Top Fulbright Scholarship Institutions

The Top Fulbright Scholarship Institutions are grouped according to the Carnegie Classification, and represent several institutions involved with the Fulbright Program and ensuring its broad impact on American communities across the country.

The list of Institutions with the highest number of US Fulbright Scholarship recipients with their classifications are:

Master’s: Western Washington University, California Polytechnic State University, Salem State University (Massachusetts)

Doctorate: Pennsylvania State University

Assistant: Kirkwood Community College (Iowa)

Special Focus: Oregon Health & Science University

Baccalaureate: Middlebury College (Vermont)

US Fulbright Scholarship recipients are faculty, researchers, administrators, and established professionals who teach or conduct research affiliated with institutions abroad.

The list of institutions with the largest number of U.S. Fulbright students in their classification is:

Master’s: University of North Georgia

Doctoral: Georgetown University (District of Columbia)

Special Focus: School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Illinois)

Baccalaureate: Bowdoin College (Maine)

U.S. Fulbright students are recent college graduates, graduate students, and early career professionals who participate in study/research exchanges or work as English teaching assistants at local schools abroad.

Twelve institutions are identified as the top producers of U.S. Fulbright Students and U.S. Scholars: Arizona State University, Bowdoin College (Maine), George Washington University (District of Columbia), Middlebury College (Vermont), North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Reed College (Oregon), Rollins College (Florida), School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Illinois), University of Alabama, University of Maryland – College Park, University of Massachusetts – Amherst, and University of Southern California.

Also Read: Here’s How to Get the FAFSA in 2024-2025

Here is a complete list of all Top Fulbright Institutions by category.

Lee Satterfield, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, praised the award recipients: “The 2023-24 Fulbright Institutions represent the diversity of America’s higher education community. Their dedicated administrators, faculty, and advisors support students and scholars to fulfill their potential and rise to the global challenges of the future through the Fulbright Program. We congratulate them, and all Fulbright scholars who are already making a positive impact around the world.”

The institutions across the United States that have been named Top Fulbright Scholars demonstrate that public and private colleges and universities of all types and sizes are helping their students and faculty share knowledge across their communities through the Fulbright program.

Fulbright Scholars Making an Impact in STEM Fields

Fulbright Scholars and their Top Scholars represent the diversity of U.S. higher education. Students and faculty selected for the Fulbright Program come from diverse backgrounds, including those underrepresented in STEM research. When they return, they bring international and cross-cultural perspectives to their research and classroom teaching, and often help build international relationships for their U.S. colleges and universities.

New Top Producers

Fourteen colleges and universities, including six community colleges, are named Fulbright Top Producers for the first time.

Doctoral, Masters, Baccalaureate, and Special Focus Institutions

Hampden-Sydney College

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Kansas City Art Institute

Maine College of Art & Design

Roseman University of Health Sciences

University of California, Riverside

State University of New York at Albany

Related Institutions

Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Ashland Community and Technical College

Community College of Allegheny County

Genesee Community College

Kirkwood Community College

Pitt Community College

Oxford College of Emory University

Here’s How to Get the FAFSA in 2024-2025

Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, which opened Nov. 18 to all applicants, is one of the most important steps students and their families can take to pay for college. Many states now require completion of the FAFSA as a requirement for high school graduation.

The U.S. Department of Education provided about $114.1 billion in federal grants, loans and work-study funds in fiscal year 2023, according to the latest annual Federal Student Aid Report. The federal funds helped more than 9.7 million students complete their education, according to the unaudited report. Federal financial aid can be borrowed, earned through work-study or awarded — for example, as a grant. Here are answers to common questions about the FAFSA.

What’s the FAFSA?

“The FAFSA is the gateway to all federal financial aid for students,” said Michele Shepard Zampini, senior director of college affordability at The Institute for College Access and Success. “All grant programs — including the Pell Grant — and all student loan programs go through the FAFSA. So without filing it, you’re not eligible for any aid.” States and many colleges also use the FAFSA to select their own aid.

A common misconception about the FAFSA is that families think they won’t qualify for any financial aid, experts say. “People say, ‘I make too much money, I’m never going to qualify,'” says Johnnie Johnson, vice president of enrollment management at Washington College in Maryland. “You don’t know unless you fill it out. The good thing about the FAFSA is that it’s free, so there’s no harm in filling it out. Just fill it out no matter what.”

How to Apply for Financial Aid Through the FAFSA

Families can fill out the FAFSA application online using a computer, phone or tablet. The Federal Student Aid website is mobile-responsive, so the page should fit any screen size and shape of the device.

Gather Your FAFSA Documents

There is a list of documents required to complete the FAFSA. Families will need a Social Security number (if applicable), driver’s license number or state ID number, alien registration number for non-U.S. citizens, tax information, records of untaxed income, recent bank statements and net worth of investments, farms and businesses – if applicable – and a list of schools the student plans to attend.

Create an FSA ID

The first step before completing the FAFSA is to create an FSA ID, which serves as an electronic signature and is used to create a StudentAid.gov account. All contributors—parents, stepparents, spouses, or anyone else required to provide information on a student’s form—must create an FSA ID.

Parents and students can find a link to obtain an FSA ID through the Federal Student Aid website. To create a unique ID, applicants will need their Social Security number (if applicable), email address, date of birth, and name as it appears on official documents.

Read Also: 3 List of the Best International University Scholarships to Study in the USA

Enter Student and Parent Information

To apply for financial aid through the FAFSA, families must enter information about their citizenship and marital status, legal residency, and Social Security number, if applicable.

Applicants must also list at least one school to which they are applying or have applied so that schools can receive their information. Students can list up to 20 institutions on the online form or up to 10 on the printed version. After submitting the form, students can still remove or add colleges to their list.

Enter Financial Information

The FAFSA uses tax information from what is known as the “prior year” – a verified federal tax return from two years ago. A family completing the FAFSA for the 2025-2026 school year will want to use their 2023 tax return. Using a verified tax return from a previous year eliminates the need to use estimates on the form.

Review and Submit Your FAFSA

When completing the FAFSA, the student and parent, if the applicant is filing as a dependent, are required to sign the form – either digitally using their FSA ID or by hand on a paper version.

3 List of the Best International University Scholarships to Study in the USA

It’s no secret that the US is one of the most expensive countries to study in, but don’t let that deter you, as there are hundreds of opportunities to get funding for your studies here.

As an international student, you won’t be eligible for any funding specifically for US citizens. However, as US universities prioritize internationalization, the number of international scholarships to study in the US has increased. There are also several US universities that offer admissions without the need for international students.

Below are some of the US scholarships for international students, some funded by the US government, some funded by private organizations, and some funded by specific institutions. Good luck with your application!

Information on US Government-funded Scholarships for International Students

Fulbright Foreign Student Program

About the most popular US government-funded scholarship for international students, Fulbright provides scholarships for graduate students, young professionals, and artists to study in the US for a year or more. It is open to international students in all fields except medicine.

Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program

This is a non-degree scholarship program for experienced international professionals who wish to undertake 10 months of academic study in the US. While the funding does not support a degree qualification, students are able to study and develop their knowledge at a variety of academic institutions across the country.

US non-government scholarships for international students

#YouAreWelcomeHere Scholarship

The international scholarship is open to all international students who wish to study any subject at a participating US college or university (of which there are 57). You must submit an essay or video demonstrating your interest and initiative in promoting intercultural learning and exchange. (The Fall 2019 application deadline has passed, applications will open for the 2020 round in May 2019.)

Read Also: 5 Best Medical Schools in America 2024-2025

Civil Society Leadership Awards

Fully funded scholarships are available for students from eligible countries who wish to study in the US or other host countries at the master’s level.

University-specific US scholarships for international students

American University Emerging Global Leaders Scholarships

Undergraduate scholarships for study in the US at American University in Washington DC. Designed for international students who demonstrate leadership potential.

Brandeis University Vienna International Scholars Program

Funding opportunity for outstanding students interested in contributing to the student community.

Clark University Global Scholars Program

Scholarships of up to $10,000 plus a taxable stipend of $2,500 for paid internships are available for first-year international applicants.