Can Dogs Eat Lasagna?

Lasagna is a delicious, well-loved, Italian meal that is perfect for family gatherings. Often when you make lasagna, it will need to sit on the counter to cool. But as any large dog owner knows, sometimes things on the counter are not far enough out of reach for your furry friend – especially if it smells that good. This article will answer the question, can dogs eat lasagna?

Can Dogs Eat Lasagna? 

dog licking the plate

If you’ve ever left something on your counter and your dog has gotten a hold of it, it is natural to wonder if what they ate will make them sick. Lasagna is one of those meals on that list. Many dangerous ingredients in it are very harmful to dogs, so you’ll want to keep it out of reach.

We’ve broken it down to see what makes lasagna dangerous for dogs and what you can do if your dog eats something they shouldn’t. 

What Is Lasagna?

lasagna with basil on top

Lasagna is an Italian dish. It is packed full of pasta and other filling ingredients. It is a heavy meal for humans but even heavier for a dog. It is a baked dish filled with pasta, meats, vegetables, and cheese.

While it may sound like a hearty meal, it’s not great for dogs and the fat content is high. Lasagna may make their taste buds dance, but dogs are not recommended to eat this delicious meal. 

What Ingredients Are in Lasagna? 

ingredients for making lasagna

The ingredients for lasagna pasta dishes can vary and some even have nutritional benefits for humans. Different people may have other recipes for homemade lasagna, but for the most part, you will find pasta, cheese, onions, garlic, salt, pepper, and oregano in this dish.

Let’s dive into how some foods are toxic ingredients for your canine friend. These ingredients, especially when mixed, are for human consumption only. 


Pasta, in general, is not bad for a dog. It is not toxic and, in small amounts, will generally not harm your dog. But remember that pasta is not typically in a dog’s diet, so there are no proven effects on dogs from eating small amounts of pasta. 

However, in no circumstance should you allow your dog to eat pasta with sauce. Pasta sauces usually contain onion and garlic, which are incredibly toxic to your furry friend. 

Ground Beef

While on its own, it is not a bad meal for your furry companion. Ground beef is a great lean protein option if you opt to make your dog food. 

However, mixing it into a lasagna with the other combination of ingredients used makes it not a great option. 


Cheese is delicious and a great way to get your dogs to take their medicines. Cheese is an excellent treat for your pup and can be used in moderation as a reward.

Cheese alone is not toxic to dogs. But keep in mind that cheese is a fatty food and can cause weight gain if eaten too often. Cheesy lasagna might be delicious for you, but keeping your pup away from that extra-cheesy treat is a good idea. 

If your dog is lactose intolerant, it is even more of a good idea to find an alternative treat and stay away from dairy products altogether. It can cause digestive issues and stomach upset, making your dog quite uncomfortable. 

Onion and Garlic

Traditional lasagna recipes will have a hearty amount of onion and garlic. Onion and garlic are highly toxic to dogs. They are part of the allium family and contain thiosulfate, making them highly poisonous for your pup. 

If onions and garlic are consumed, it can cause damage to red blood cells and escalate to anemia. You will notice that your dog may start panting, showing signs of extreme exhaustion, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

While excellent human food, these vegetables are dangerously toxic to your dogs. Avoid these veggies at all costs with any food or snack you feed to your pup. 

Salt & Pepper

Generally, when it comes to black pepper, in small doses, it can be okay for your dog because it is nontoxic. However, it can cause an upset stomach if they eat too much. 

Bell Peppers are another popular ingredient in traditional lasagna recipes. Bell pepper is a very healthy snack for your pup, but you want to ensure that it is not consumed by itself and not in a plate of lasagna. 

Salt, on the other hand, should be avoided. Like humans, it can cause a dog’s blood pressure to rise. This can put stress on the kidneys and cause your dog to go into renal failure if consumed too often. It is a good idea always to keep this food away from your pup. 

Be sure that if your dog has eaten anything with black pepper or salt, they have a water bowl around in case of any unwanted side effects. 

Why Is Tomato Sauce Bad for Dogs? 

tomato sauce

Tomatoes in and of themselves are not bad for dogs in small quantities. They can be quite a tasty treat for them on their own. However, when tomatoes are made into a pasta sauce, they are usually accompanied by onions and garlic, which are very dangerous for dogs. 

Giving your dog a tomato sauce, especially one out of a jar, is never a good idea. 

Tomato sauces that come in jars come with many additives and extras that are just not great for your dog to have.

Is Lasagna Terrible for Dogs?

In short, yes, lasagna is terrible for dogs. It holds no nutritional value for them. You are better off giving your dog some tasty peanut butter, green beans, or even some rice and chicken one night as a special treat.

Their taste buds will thank you for the treat, and their stomachs will appreciate you sparing them the upset. 

What Happens To Dogs When They Eat Lasagna?

If a dog ingests lasagna, the first thing to do is stay calm and ensure they don’t have access to it anymore. 

If the lasagna had a heavy dose of garlic and onions, your pet might start to exhibit poisoning symptoms relatively quickly. However, symptoms can appear up to 7 days after ingestion. If your pup ate something with garlic or onion in powder form, it could be even more toxic, so be on the lookout. 

Your pup could experience vomiting, diarrhea, exhaustion, panting, and a rapid heart rate. Be on the lookout for these symptoms. Your pet could also have red or brown urine. Pay close attention to their urine if they have had any lasagna consumption. If these things happen, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. 

When Should You Visit Your Vet?

dog visiting the vet

It would help if you visited your vet immediately after your dog had ingested lasagna. There are incredibly toxic ingredients, and your dog needs to see a professional as soon as possible. 

This type of poisoning can be fatal, especially without medical attention. Your animal may need a blood transfusion, and this care must be done under a vet’s care.

Keep a close watch to ensure your dog is not passing any blood in their urine. Once you arrive at the vet, they will instruct you on what to do further to help keep your dog safe. 

Keeping Lasagna Away From the Dogs

If you’re going to be making a tasty dish of lasagna, make sure to keep it away from your pet. If you have a large dog prone to counter surfing, keeping your dog out of the kitchen might be a good idea. 

Storing the lasagna on the top of your fridge until you are ready to sit down and eat is also a great solution, especially if you need to be out of the kitchen. If your pup is still young, consider training him on staying off the counters and tables. This will be the best way to help keep him safe. It is never too late to work on deterring counter surfing

So Can Dogs Eat Lasagna? 

While many pieces of traditional lasagna recipes would be okay for a dog to consume, they can harm a dog. A single onion or a garlic clove can turn your peaceful family evening into a nightmare. 

It can be scary when our pets eat food they shouldn’t have. Keeping an emergency vet’s number close by will help keep you calm if a situation like this ever occurs. 

Be sure to keep human food away from your dog. In the instance you are using some food as a healthy treat, be sure you’ve checked to see if they have any nutritional value to your pup. 

Many packaged items can have harmful ingredients. So when making a dish, it’s always a good idea to steer clear of sharing.

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