Can Dogs Eat Almond Butter? What to Know

There are a variety of benefits to adding almond butter to your diet. It’s good for your heart, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure levels, but can dogs eat almond butter and receive similar benefits?

I dive into the facts, the do’s and don’ts, and the benefits that can be provided to your furry best friend.

Disclaimer: The Can My Dog articles contain information based on the individual research and opinions of the author of the site – who just so happens to be a dog. How you utilize the information given is completely up to you. Proceed at your own risk.

Is Almond Butter Safe for Dogs?

In a word, yes. Like peanut butter, dogs can safely be fed almond butter, so long as it’s in small amounts and doesn’t contain harmful ingredients. Almond butter should be considered as a treat for your dog, not a staple of their diet.

Can Dogs Eat Almond Butter

In small amounts, almond butter contains many nutrients that can be beneficial to your pup, including antioxidants and vitamins. The key is to find the right (i.e. all natural) almond butter to ensure your dog gets the benefits, but not the harmful side effects of artificial additives.

What Ingredients are Harmful to Dogs?

The answer to this question is artificial ingredients, such as xylitol. An artificial sweetener, it is found in many foods, but xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs, even in small amounts, so when searching for a safe almond butter, be sure that xylitol is not one of the ingredients.

Certain brands of almond butter (as well as other foods) contain unnatural additives that can be harmful to your dog. When choosing an almond butter (or any food) for your dog, it’s important to always check the ingredients. If it contains any artificial additives, it’s probably not a good choice for your doggo.

How Much Almond Butter Can I Give My Dog?

Canines, like humans, need the healthy fats and protein that can be found in almond butter. However, giving them too much can cause digestive issues, such as an upset stomach, diarrhea, and even sometimes vomiting.

To ensure your dog doesn’t have these issues, you should give them no more than a spoonful a day. If you have a small dog, you might want to consider making that a half a spoonful. It’s better to start small and work your way up to make sure your dog can handle it well without side effects.

Once you determine it’s safe for them, almond butter can be used as a reward for your dog, or as a small treat. A spoonful can also be placed on top of a new food to get them used to it, or with pills should they need to take any.

Almond Butter vs Peanut Butter

The reason many people choose almond butter over peanut butter is because they have a peanut allergy. While it is possible for dogs to also have a peanut allergy, it is much more rare. Still, if giving your dog peanut butter for the first time, it should be in a very small amount.

Nutritionally, almond butter and peanut butter are nearly the same, for both humans and canines. Almond butter has more vitamins and minerals, while peanut butter has more protein. The similarity of the two means that you can safely give your dog each (as long as it doesn’t contain xylitol) as a healthy treat.

Benefits of Almond Butter

When asking the question, “can dogs eat almond butter?”, you may wonder what’s in it for your dog besides a treat. Dogs can benefit from adding almond butter to their diets because it provides many nutrients, including vitamins and antioxidants.

Nutrients in Almond Butter

  • Niacin: Almond butter contains niacin, which is also known as Vitamin B3. B3 helps maintain the health of a dog’s skin, fur, eyes, and liver.
  • B6: Vitamin B6 is present in small, but valuable amounts, in almond butter. B6 helps liver health and also promotes healthy red blood cells.
  • Iron: Also present in small amounts in almond butter, iron supports the health of red blood cells in both dogs and humans.
  • Calcium: Calcium is important for the health of teeth and bones, which can become less dense with age. Calcium can counteract the effects of age in bones and teeth for both humans and dogs.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium helps with proper muscles contraction and relaxation, easing muscle fatigue and aches that may occur with age.
  • Zinc: Zinc is beneficial to your dog’s immune system, which helps battle disease and keep your dog healthy.

Antioxidants in Almond Butter

  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E is present in almond butter in much higher amounts than in peanut butter. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that supports the immune system, helps in the healing process, and fights free radicals in your dog’s cell.
  • Selenium: Along with fighting free radicals, selenium is critical to the immune system of both dogs and humans. Adequate selenium is a necessary component for the normal functioning of your dog’s thyroid gland, as well as their immune system.

Healthy Fats in Almond Butter

  • Monounsaturated Fats: The monounsaturated fats found in almonds are the same type of healthy fats that are found in olive oil. These fats can help reduce inflammation. They also support the health and integrity of skin and muscle cells.

Alternatives to Almond Butter

If you can’t find almond butter without artificial additives, or if your dog doesn’t handle it well, there are some healthy alternatives to almond butter that you can try.

  • Mashed Bananas: A small amount of mashed bananas can be even healthier for your dog than almond butter. Remember to only give them small amounts and keep it limited to once a day.
  • Blueberry Puree: While whole blueberries may be hard for your dog to digest, a blueberry puree can enhance almost any meal with healthy nutrients and antioxidants. Start with a small amount to see if your dog likes it.
  • Strawberry Smoothie: Combining strawberries with a small amount of milk (try goat’s milk or almond milk for healthier options) into a blended smoothie can provide your dog with a healthy and delicious treat. Dogs shouldn’t have much milk, so go easy with it and only give it to them in small amounts.


Can dogs eat almond butter? Absolutely!

Almond butter can be a healthy and beneficial treat for your dog, if given in small amounts. Be sure to choose an all-natural almond butter free of any artificial additives that can be harmful to your dog. A spoonful of almond butter a day (or half a spoonful for smaller dogs) can provide a healthy snack, or reward, that your dog is sure to enjoy.

Treat wisely, my friends!

Love you guys,


P.S. If you’re new to this world, you may want to check out my Ultimate Guide for First Time Dog Parents. It’s a great reference to get you started on this journey.

This article has been reviewed by our Editorial Board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our Editorial Policies.

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