Creighton University Profile, Data, and Rankings

Founded in 1878, Creighton University is one of 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States, founded in the tradition of the Society of Jesus and the Catholic identity of academic excellence and service to others. Located near downtown Omaha, Creighton was ranked first among the most comprehensive universities in the Midwest by the 2009 U.S. News & World Report. The university provides its more than 7,600 professional and graduate students with an atmosphere that challenges them academically and professionally while supporting and inspiring them individually. The College of Arts and Sciences, which enrolls 34 percent of all university students, includes the College of Business, the Graduate School, and the Schools of Dentistry, Law, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Health Professions and the University College. Coming from 44 countries, approximately 200 international students study at Creighton. The most represented countries of origin are China, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Japan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea.

Creighton competes in 14 NCAA Division I sports in the Missouri Valley Conference. Its athletic teams are strong on the field and in the classroom. Creighton student-athletes had a 3.35 GPA in the spring of 2011 and the University’s athletic teams have been honored by the MVC and NCAA along with several academic awards.

Also Read: 5 Daftar Jurusan Kuliah dengan Peluang Kerja Melimpah

Creighton University Medical Center:

601 N. 30th Street
Omaha, NE 68131
(402) 449-4000

An academic medical center, educating future health care professionals while striving for excellence in modern diagnostics and treatments. Driven by a passion for patient care, teaching, and research, Creighton provides advanced care for some of the region’s sickest patients, the smallest infants, and the most complexly injured. Creighton advances the standard of clinical experience with expertise in trauma, cardiac care, cancer care, specialty surgery, transfusion-free medicine, and high-risk obstetrics.

5 Daftar Jurusan Kuliah dengan Peluang Kerja Melimpah

Jurusan Kuliah dengan Prospek Kerja Tinggi merupakan program studi yang memberikan peluang karier yang baik dan menjanjikan lulusannya untuk memperoleh pekerjaan dengan gaji yang tinggi.

Jurusan ini sesuai bersama tuntutan pasar kerja di era Industri 4.0 yang membutuhkan keahlian di bidang teknologi dan informasi.

Mengapa Penting Menentukan Jurusan dengan Prospek Kerja Tinggi?

Menentukan jurusan kuliah dengan prospek kerja tinggi sangat penting bagi calon mahasiswa lantaran dapat memberikan manfaat jangka panjang dalam karier mereka.

Dengan menentukan jurusan yang sesuai dengan minat dan bakat serta memiliki prospek kerja yang cerah, lulusan mempunyai peluang lebih besar untuk memperoleh pekerjaan yang di inginkan dengan gaji yang memadai.

Baca juga: Informasi Beasiswa DataPrint Periode 1 2024 Kini Telah Dibuka

Rekomendasi Jurusan Kuliah dengan Prospek Kerja Tinggi di Era Industri 4.0?

1. Sistem Informasi

Jurusan Sistem Informasi berpusat pada pengembangan dan penerapan teknologi informasi dalam proses bisnis.

Lulusan jurusan ini mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengelola sistem informasi perusahaan, analisis data, dan pemodelan bisnis. Di era digital ini, pemanfaatan sistem informasi yang efisien dan terintegrasi sebagai hal penting untuk keberhasilan suatu perusahaan.

2. Teknik Informatika

Jurusan Teknik Informatika adalah salah satu jurusan yang di minati di era digital ini. Lulusan jurusan ini mempunyai pengetahuan dan keahlian dalam pengembangan perangkat lunak, pemrograman, jaringan komputer, dan keamanan data. Di era Industri 4.0, keahlian di bidang teknologi informasi sangat di butuhkan oleh perusahaan di beberapa sektor.

3. Teknik Elektro

Jurusan Teknik Elektro berpusat pada pengembangan dan penerapan teknologi listrik, elektronika, dan telekomunikasi. Lulusan jurusan ini mempunyai pengetahuan mengenai desain rangkaian elektronika, sistem kendali, dan energi terbarukan. Di era Industri 4.0, kebutuhan akan sistem otomasi dan teknologi terkait semakin meningkat sehingga lulusan Teknik Elektro mempunyai prospek kerja yang baik.

4. Ilmu Komputer

Jurusan Ilmu Komputer membahas mengenai prinsip dasar komputasi dan pemrograman. Lulusan jurusan ini mempunyai pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang algoritma, struktur data, kecerdasan buatan, dan komputasi awan.

Di era digital ini, kompetensi di bidang ilmu komputer sebagai sangat penting lantaran permintaan akan tenaga profesional yang menguasai teknologi informasi terus meningkat.

5. Teknik Kimia

Jurusan Teknik Kimia membahas mengenai pemanfaatan prinsip-prinsip kimia dan rekayasa dalam industri. Lulusan jurusan ini mempunyai pengetahuan tentang rekayasa proses, perancangan pabrik, dan konservasi energi.

Di era Industri 4.0, kebutuhan akan pengolahan limbah industri, energi terbarukan, dan pengembangan material semakin meningkat sehingga lulusan Teknik Kimia mempunyai prospek kerja yang cerah.

Informasi Beasiswa DataPrint Periode 1 2024 Kini Telah Dibuka

Program Beasiswa DataPrint sudah memasuki tahun keempat belas. Setelah sukses memberikan program beasiswa dari tahun 2011 hingga 2023, DataPrint kembali hadir bersama program beasiswa untuk para penggunanya yang adalah mahasiswa aktif. Untuk mengenal varian produk DataPrint, Anda dapat mengunjungi situs resmi DataPrint di Pendaftaran beasiswa bisa di lakukan di

Pada tahun 2024, Beasiswa DataPrint kembali memberikan dan menyediakan kepada pendaftar terpilih. Tahun ini, pendaftaran beasiswa akan di lakukan setiap 2 bulan yang terbagi dalam 4 periode. Jadi, kesempatan Anda untuk memperoleh peluang semakin besar dan terbuka lebar di tahun ini. Harap di ingat, Anda juga harus membuat video esai yang bagus (sesuai pendapat pribadi) sesuai tema yang di tentukan dan mengisi formulir bersama data yang akurat dan benar.

Baca juga: Definisi Sejarah Menurut Herodotus dan Pengertian Lainnya

Tidak ada sistem kuota berdasarkan wilayah dan/atau sekolah/perguruan tinggi. Hal ini bertujuan supaya beasiswa bisa diterima secara merata oleh seluruh pengguna DataPrint di Indonesia.

Harus di pahami bahwa Beasiswa DataPrint BUKANLAH beasiswa untuk pembiayaan penuh biaya pendidikan. Kami memberikan beasiswa dalam bentuk uang tunai menjadi dana tambahan biaya pendidikan. Rata-rata dana beasiswa yang di berikan merupakan Rp 500 ribu/penerima beasiswa. Dana beasiswa HANYA di berikan satu kali kepada peserta yang lulus penilaian. Aspek penilaian menurut VIDEO ESSAY, PRESTASI, AKTIVITAS, LINK info beasiswa.

Beasiswa yang di salurkan di harapkan bisa meringankan biaya pendidikan sekaligus memacu para penerima beasiswa untuk bisa lebih berprestasi, aktif dan kreatif di mana pun berada. Jadi langusng segera daftarkan diri Anda, klik kolom FORMULIR PENDAFTARAN di website!

Tema esai bagi kolom esai, Petunjuk pengisian pada kolom Cara Pengisian, tolong di baca dengan cermat dan benar. Kupon yang berlaku selama periode 1 tahun 2024 dapat di pakai mulai dari kode KUPON 2021, KUPON GEBYAR DATAPRINT (2022), KUPON DATAPRINT (2023) dan KUPON DATAPRINT 2024 (2024). Formulir pendaftaran yang memakai kupon selain kupon tersebut akan didiskualifikasi.

Definisi Sejarah Menurut Herodotus dan Pengertian Lainnya

Pada dasarnya, definisi sejarah merupakan sebuah cerita atau narasi yang di rekonstruksi tentang sebuah peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau. Sejarah sendiri mempunyai berbagai macam pengertian. Begitu pula berdasarkan para ahli, mereka mempunyai pemahaman yang berbeda-beda tentang sejarah. Kali ini, kita akan membahas definisi sejarah berdasarkan Herodotus. Untuk mengetahuinya informasi lebih lanjut, simak penjelasannya berikut ini.

Mengenal Herodotus

Menjalani pada buku Western Historiography karya Wahyu Iryana, Herodotus merupakan seorang sejarawan Yunani Kuno. Oleh Cicero (106-43 SM) filsuf Romawi yang terkenal itu di juluki menjadi “Bapak Sejarah”. Julukan ini apalagi sudah di benarkan oleh para sejarawan modern, seperti J.L. Meyers (1953) dan Arnaldo Mamigliano (1958) (Gay dan Cafanaugh, 1972:3). Herodotus di kenal menjadi seorang sejarawan budaya. Namun, informasi tentang Herodotus sangat sedikit.

Melalui bukunya yang berjudul The History of the Persian Wars, Herodotus berusaha melestarikan memori mengenai apa saja yang telah di perbuat manusia dalam peperangan di Yunani kuno.

Ia pun mencatat apa yang sebagai penyebab permusuhan di antara keduanya. Bersama mengandalkan visi, pertimbangan, dan bakat risetnya yang luar biasa, Herodotus sukses menulis Causes of War, The Course of War, dan After War.

Baca juga: Inilah 3 Upaya Mencegah Perilaku Menyimpang di Kalangan Pelajar?

Informasi Sejarah Berdasarkan Herodotus

Mencuplik dari buku Wangsit Pawang Soal Sulit UTBK Soshum karya Tim Master Tentor, berdasarkan Herodotus, sejarah adalah suatu kajian untuk menceritakan seluk-beluk bangkit dan runtuhnya suatu tokoh, masyarakat, atau peradaban. Dengan begitu, Herodotus juga mengartikan sejarah sebagai hasil interaksi antara kekuatan eksternal dan kekuatan internal manusia. Ia (sejarah) hanya dapat di jelaskan melalui roh manusia lebih tepatnya melalui roh beberapa bangsa tempat manusia berada.

Herdotus mendeskripsikan bahwa pengalaman kita berada dalam suatu bentuk yang di tentukan oleh indra. Hanya dalam bentuk indra kita dapat merumuskan dan menggambarkan keberadaan segala sesuatu. Jadi dapat di simpulkan bahwa sejarah adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang merupakan kemampuan akal budi manusia. Herodotus melihat pengalaman nonindrawi atau metafisik sehingga seseorang tidak dapat menggambarkan keberadaan sesuatu.

Pengertian Umum Sejarah

Sejarah secara harfiah di artikan menjadi silsilah atau asal usul. Sejarah juga kerap di artikan menjadi suatu peristiwa dan kejadian yang benar-benar terjadi di masa lampau.

Dengan begitu, sejarah juga dapat di artikan menjadi cerita. Mencuplik dari buku Sejarah Indonesia: untuk SMK Kelas X Semester Ganjil karya Fatayat Ridlo Mintarsih, pengertian sejarah sebagai cerita merupakan rangkaian cerita naratif yang di susun berdasarkan penafsiran dan ingatan atau kesan manusia terhadap suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau.

Artinya, sejarah menjadi cerita adalah suatu narasi yang di ceritakan kembali mengenai suatu kejadian di masa lampau. Bentuknya dapat berupa lisan ataupun tulisan.

Inilah 3 Upaya Mencegah Perilaku Menyimpang di Kalangan Pelajar?

Jika melihat pada KBBI, penyimpangan mempunyai beberapa arti, salah satunya merupakan menyimpang dari hukum, agama, kebenaran, atau ajaran, dan sebagainya.

Perilaku menyimpang bisa di lakukan oleh siapa saja, apalagi oleh seorang pelajar. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi lantaran adanya berbagai faktor pendorong yang memicunya. Namun, kita dapat mencegah dan berusaha mencegah terjadinya hal-hal menyimpang yang tidak di inginkan.

Bebrapa Upaya atau Upaya Mencegah Perilaku Menyimpang di Kalangan Pelajar

Ada beberapa upaya yang dapat di lakukan baik dari sisi pelajar maupun orang-orang di lingkungannya. Pasalnya, seorang pelajar atau remaja sedang dalam masa penyesuaian diri bersama lingkungannya, sehingga figur-figur seperti orang tua dan guru sebagai pembimbing yang bisa di andalkan oleh seorang pelajar. Berikut ini merupakan tiga upaya untuk mencegah terjadinya perilaku menyimpang pada diri seorang pelajar.

Baca juga: Informasi Pendaftaran dan Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Widya Kartika

1. Membangun kehidupan yang harmonis dalam keluarga

Keluarga merupakan lingkungan awal yang dapat membentuk karakter dan perkembangan seorang anak.

Oleh karena itu, penting untuk membentuk keluarga yang harmonis supaya dapat memberikan rasa nyaman dan aman, sebagai support system, bahkan menjadi tempat belajar.

Di sinilah peran para orang tua akan sangat di butuhkan, lantaran kehadiran figur orang tua yang dapat membimbing dan kehidupan sehari-hari yang harmonis bisa membantu perkembangan emosi yang akan mempengaruhi perilaku dan karakter anak.

2. Membina Pendidikan agama dan pendidikan akhlak

Keberagaman nilai dan norma moral yang berjalan di masyarakat, membentuk pendidikan akhlak dan agama supaya di ajarkan.

Seorang anak harus di ajarkan mengenai apa yang baik, apa yang buruk, dan batasan-batasan apa saja yang harus di ingat dan di terapkan dalam kehidupan sosialnya.

Dengan begitu, peran orang tua dan guru juga sangat di butuhkan untuk mengajarkan pendidikan agama dan akhlak dalam mengajarkan nilai-nilai kejujuran, empati, tanggung jawab, dan menghargai hak orang lain.

3. Memiliki kesempatan untuk menggali minat, bakat, dan potensi

Perilaku menyimpang sering kali muncul lantaran siswa tidak memiliki tujuan atau belum menemukan potensinya. Di sini, seorang siswa harus mengeksplorasi dirinya dengan mengikuti setiap kegiatan ekstrakurikuler hingga ia mengidentifikasi bidang apa yang di sukainya.

Jika masih bingung, siswa bisa berdiskusi dengan teman, orang tua, atau guru pembimbing yang bisa memberikan saran dan juga penilaian.

Mencuplik dari jurnal Upaya Guru Pembimbing dalam Mencegah Sikap Supervisi karya Sri Wahyuni ​​Adiningtyas, di jelaskan bahwa seorang guru pembimbing mempunyai tugas untuk mengenali karakteristik siswa atau peserta didik.

Guru pembimbing juga bisa melakukan konseling kelompok, bimbingan karier, menyediakan informasi pendidikan, penilaian, dan lain-lain yang akan membantu siswa menemukan potensinya.

Informasi Pendaftaran dan Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Universitas Widya Kartika

Berikut ini merupakan Jadwal Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB) Program Kuliah Karyawan/Staf, Kuliah Daring/Blended di Universitas Widya Kartika.

Gelombang I:
01-Okt-2024 – 31-Jan-2025

Gelombang II:
01-Feb-2025 – 31-Mei-2025

Gelombang III:
01-Jun-2025 – 30-Sep-2025

Berikut ini adalah Persyaratan Calon Mahasiswa

  • Lulusan D3, Politeknik, Akademi, atau sederajat dari berbagai jurusan.
  • Mahasiswa pindahan, atau lulusan D3, D2, D1, atau lulusan S1 yang mengambil jurusan yang berbeda.
  • Lulusan SMA, SMK, MA, atau sederajat.

Panduan Pendaftaran

Pengisian Formulir Pendaftaran dan Jadwal Pembayaran Angsuran anggaran Pendidikan dapat dilakukan secara online
Pengisian Formulir Pendaftaran dan Jadwal Pembayaran Angsuran anggaran Pendidikan
Bagi Lulusan SMA/SMK/SMA:
» Menyerahkan 2 lembar asli Ijazah/STTB yang sudah di legalisir.
» Menyerahkan 2 lembar asli Ijazah/NEM/SKHU yang sudah di legalisir.
» Surat Keterangan Kerja (Khusus untuk yang baru lulus sekolah).
Membayar biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp150.000,-
Untuk Mahasiswa Pindahan:
» Menyerahkan 2 lembar asli Ijazah/STTB yang telah dilegalisir.
» Menyerahkan 2 lembar asli Transkrip Nilai yang telah dilegalisir dari Kampus Asal.
» Surat Keterangan Pindah (Dari Kampus Asal).
Untuk Lulusan S1/D3/D2/D1:
» Menyerahkan 2 lembar fotokopi Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai yang telah dilegalisir.
Membawa materai Rp10.000 (1 lembar).
Serahkan foto paspor terbaru berukuran 2 x 3 (5 lembar), 3 x 4 (5 lembar), dan 4 x 6 (2 lembar) – dapat diserahkan kemudian.

3 Informasi Program Beasiswa LPDP 2025 dan Cara Mendaftar

Pada pelaksanaannya setiap tahun, ada 3 program utama yang di buka dengan Kementerian Keuangan untuk Beasiswa LPDP. Akan tetapi, mungkin ada sedikit perbedaan pada Program Sasaran di mana kedapatan Beasiswa Prioritas di dalamnya.

Mengenal Beasiswa Prioritas LPDP?

Beasiswa Prioritas memberikan peluang untuk calon mahasiswa untuk mendaftar pada dua program sekaligus, ialah program beasiswa kemitraan/kerja sama LPDP dan salah satu program Beasiswa Afirmasi/Beasiswa Sasaran/Beasiswa Umum tujuan luar negeri.

Menjadi gambaran, Anda bisa mendaftar untuk Beasiswa Umum dan Beasiswa Prioritas Kemitraan LPDP – Program Doktor NTU secara bersamaan. Menurut lebih jelasnya, lihat program beasiswa LPDP yang kemungkinan muncul pada tahun 2025 di bawah ini.

Program Sasaran

1. Beasiswa Kewirausahaan

2. Beasiswa Kewirausahaan LPDP adalah program magister luar negeri yang diperuntukkan untuk warga negara Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang kewirausahaan.

3. Beasiswa PNS, TNI, POLRI

Sesuai atas namanya, beasiswa ini di peruntukkan untuk PNS, Prajurit TNI, dan Anggota POLRI.

4. Beasiswa LPDP Prioritas – Program Doktor NTU

Beasiswa ini bekerja sama bersama Nanyang Techonological University Singapore untuk mendidik calon Doktor di bidang STEM dan Non-STEM. Bersama beasiswa ini, mahasiswa boleh mendaftar di dua program beasiswa sekaligus, ialah Beasiswa Kemitraan LPDP – Program Doktor NTU dan satu dari program beasiswa lainnya.

Baca juga: 6 Cara Daftar Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud 2024 Program Sarjana, Magister, dan Doktor Dibuka Hari Ini

Program Afirmatif

1. Beasiswa Putra Putri Papua

2. Beasiswa Putra Putri Papua LPDP diperuntukkan khusus untuk putra putri Provinsi Papua, Papua Barat, Papua Selatan, Papua Tengah, Papua Pegunungan, dan Papua Barat Daya yang hendak menempuh jenjang magister dan doktor.

3. Beasiswa bagi Penyandang Disabilitas

Program ini di peruntukkan untuk penyandang disabilitas yang memenuhi persyaratan LPDP, mencackup penyandang disabilitas fisik, penyandang disabilitas intelektual, penyandang disabilitas mental, penyandang disabilitas sensorik, dan penyandang disabilitas ganda.

4. Beasiswa Pra Sejahtera

Program Beasiswa Pra Sejahtera di peruntukkan untuk kelompok masyarakat pra sejahtera atau kurang mampu supaya dapat menempuh jenjang magister.

Program Umum

1. Beasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Terkemuka Dunia (PTUD)

Program ini di peruntukkan untuk Warga Negara Indonesia yang sudah mendapatkan Surat Keterangan Lulus/Diterima Tanpa Syarat dari Perguruan Tinggi Terkemuka Dunia untuk menempuh jenjang magister dan doktor.

2. Beasiswa Parsial

Beasiswa LPDP Parsial merupakan program bersama skema pendanaan bersama untuk Warga Negara Indonesia.

3. Beasiswa Reguler

Beasiswa Reguler LPDP adalah beasiswa yang diperuntukkan untuk Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) yang ingin menempuh jenjang magister dan doktor.

Cara Mendaftar Beasiswa LPDP 2025

Setiap program Beasiswa LPDP 2024 mempunyai persyaratan umum dan khusus yang berbeda-beda. Akan tetapi, secara umum, persyaratan yang harus Anda penuhi antara lain:

1. Sudah menyelesaikan studi pada program diploma (D4) atau program sarjana (S1) untuk mendaftar beasiswa magister; program magister (S2) untuk mendaftar beasiswa doktoral.
2. Merupakan warga negara Indonesia.
3. Tidak sedang melamar, hendak menerima, atau menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain.
4. Tidak sedang menjalani program magister atau doktoral, baik di perguruan tinggi dalam negeri ataupun luar negeri.
5. Memenuhi persyaratan manajemen yang di tetapkan oleh LPDP, termasuk wajib kembali dan mengabdi di Indonesia setelah menyelesaikan studi sesuai bersama ketentuan LPDP; dan kembali dan berkontribusi di Indonesia selama 2 masa studi ditambah 1 tahun setelah menyelesaikan studi secara berturut-turut.
6. Menentukan perguruan tinggi dan program studi yang sesuai bersama ketentuan LPDP.
7. Memenuhi persyaratan nilai kemampuan bahasa Inggris, seperti tes IELTS, yang di keluarkan paling lambat 2 tahun terakhir sejak tahun pengajuan beasiswa.
8. Mempunyai persyaratan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK).

6 Cara Daftar Beasiswa Unggulan Kemdikbud 2024 Program Sarjana, Magister, dan Doktor Dibuka Hari Ini

Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbud Ristek) membuka kembali pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan 2024 hari ini, Senin (1/7/2024) sampai 14 Juli mendatang. Program beasiswa ini memberikan peluang emas untuk putra putri terbaik bangsa Indonesia untuk mengenyam pendidikan tinggi.

Beasiswa Unggulan 2024 di peruntukkan untuk mahasiswa yang akan atau sedang menempuh pendidikan sarjana (S1), magister (S2), atau doktor (S3) di perguruan tinggi negeri atau swasta di bawah naungan Kemendikbud Ristek.

Program ini menyediakan bantuan pendidikan menyeluruh yang meliputi biaya pendidikan, biaya hidup, dan biaya buku. Khusus untuk mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas, beasiswa ini juga memastikan biaya penelitian dan biaya hidup pendamping.

Baca juga: 4 Informasi Fakultas dan Jurusan Terbaik di Universitas Terbuka

Panduan Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan 2024

Pendaftaran Beasiswa Unggulan 2024 hanya di lakukan secara online melalui situs resmi Berikut meupakan langkah-langkah pendaftarannya:

1. Masukkan NIK, email aktif, password, dan tanggal lahir
2. Kunjungi situs resmi
3. Pastikan semua data valid dan lengkap
4. Simpan data dan verifikasi melalui email
5. Lengkapi data diri dan dokumen yang di butuhkan
6. Masuk kembali ke laman dengan akun yang sudah terverifikasi

Persyaratan Umum

Beragam persyaratan umum yang harus di penuhi oleh calon penerima Beasiswa Unggulan 2024 antara lain:

Memperoleh rekomendasi dari pihak berwenang
Memiliki prestasi akademik dan nonakademik internasional/nasional
Belum pernah menempuh pendidikan pada jenjang yang sama
Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dengan komponen pembiayaan yang sama
Bukan dosen, guru, tenaga kependidikan, atau pelaku budaya
Di terima di perguruan tinggi yang terakreditasi minimal B
Berkomitmen mempertahankan IPK minimal 3,00 (S1) atau 3,25 (S2 dan S3)

Daftar Dokumen yang Diperlukan

Calon pendaftar harus menyiapkan beberapa dokumen penting, antara lain Lainnya:

Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa (bagi mahasiswa tetap)
Surat Keterangan Aktif Belajar (bagi mahasiswa tetap)
Surat Keterangan Tidak Lulus/LoA (bagi mahasiswa baru)
Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai Terakhir
KHS semester 1 dan 2 (bagi mahasiswa tetap)
Rencana Studi (S2) atau Proposal Penelitian Disertasi (S3)
Sertifikat UKBI dan Bahasa Inggris (sesuai ketentuan)
Surat Pernyataan Pelamar
Sertifikat Prestasi dan Kompetensi
Surat Rekomendasi

Berikut Jadwal Seleksi Beasiswa Unggulan 2024

Seleksi Tahap I: 15 Juli 2024 s/d 4 Agustus 2024
Pendaftaran: 1 Juli-14 Juli 2024
Seleksi Tahap II 12 Agustus 2024 s/d 31 Agustus 2024
Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap I 9 Agustus 2024
Syarat dan Ketentuan Penjelasan Penandatanganan Kontrak: akan di informasikan kemudian laman
Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap II 10 September 2024

4 Informasi Fakultas dan Jurusan Terbaik di Universitas Terbuka

Universitas Terbuka merupakan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri ke-45 di Indonesia yang di legalkan pada tanggal 4 September 1984 menurut Keputusan Presiden Nomor 41 Tahun 1984. Kampus ini memberikan pembelajaran nontatap muka atau melalui internet.

Universitas Terbuka atau yang kerap di sebut UT mempunyai empat Fakultas, ialah Fakultas Ekonomi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) bagi jenjang Diploma dan Sarjana.

Dengan begitu jenjang pendidikan tersebut, UT juga mengekspos jenjang Magister dan Doktor pada Program Pascasarjana. Yang lebih fantastis lagi, Universitas bersama predikat Making Higher Education Open to All ini memberikan Program Sertifikat dan Program Pelatihan, lho!

bBeragam program Sertifikat yang di adakan antara lain Program Pendidikan Berkelanjutan (PPB), Program Pelatihan Singkat, dan Program Kursus Mandiri (PMKM). Dengan begitu, Program Pelatihan dalah program pelatihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pesertanya dari beberapa kalangan, ialah mahasiswa, dosen, dan masyarakat umum.

Baca juga: 5 Daftar Fakultas Sisfo di Universitas PGRI Palembang 2024-2025

Inilah Daftar Fakultas dan Jurusan di Universitas Terbuka

Fakultas Ekonomi

Ekonomi Syariah
Ekonomi Pembangunan

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD)
Pendidikan Matematika
Keguruan & Pendidikan
Teknologi Pendidikan
Pengetahuan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota
Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
Sistem Informasi
Teknik Lingkungan

Fakultas Hukum, Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Ilmu Administrasi
Ilmu Hukum
Bidang Komunikasi
Bidang Pemerintahan
Ilmu Perpustakaan
Sastra Inggris
Administrasi Bisnis (Niaga)
Administrasi Negara (Publik)

5 Daftar Fakultas Sisfo di Universitas PGRI Palembang 2024-2025

Walaupun Sisfo Universitas PGRI Palembang cukup populer, ternyata tidak semua orang mengetahui fakultas ini dengan baik. Dengan begitu, supaya tahu apa saja pilihan fakultas yang ada di sini, yuk simak pembahasan universitas sisfo lengkapnya di sini!

Pilihan Fakultas Sisfo Terbaik di Universitas PGRI Palembang

Sisfo Universitas PGRI Palembang memberikan beberapa jurusan. Tak hanya terkait bersama pengajaran atau pendidikan. Sejalan perkembangannya, perguruan tinggi swasta ini kini sudah mempunyai program studi pascasarjana. Berikut ini merupakan fakultas dan jurusan yang ada di Universitas PGRI Palembang.

Baca juga: 5 Rekomendasi Fakultas Kedokteran Terbaik di Indonesia 2024-2025

1. Fakultas Teknik

Sebagai unggul dan berdaya adalah visi misi Fakultas Teknik Universitas PGRI Palembang. Untuk itu, fakultas ini menyokong para mahasiswanya supaya mampu lulus tepat waktu dan mempunyai kompetensi untuk terjun ke dunia kerja.

Membuka jurusan Teknik Elektro, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Kimia dan yang terbaru merupakan Teknologi Informasi. Mengikuti perkembangan zaman, fakultas ini membekali mahasiswanya bersama ilmu pengetahuan berbasis teknologi.

2. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Lebih ahulu, Sisfo Universitas PGRI Palembang berindentitas STKIP PGRI Palembang. Berada sejak tahun 1984, kemudian pada tahun 2000 berubah sebagai Universitas PGRI Palembang.

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam adalah fokus bidang ilmu yang disediakan. Sesuai dengan visi dan misi utama Universitas. Terdiri dari 5 jurusan dan 8 program studi. Dilengkapi bersama fasilitas olahraga, kesehatan, rohani, dan ruang kegiatan mahasiswa.

3. Fakultas Perikanan

Fakultas Perikanan memberikan 2 program studi pada jenjang Diploma III dan Strata 1. Yaitu D-III Budidaya Perikanan dan S1 Ilmu Perikanan. Walaupun hanya memberikan 2 jurusan, fakultas ini cukup diminati lantaran kedua jurusan tersebut adalah disiplin ilmu terapan yang dapat langsung dipraktikkan setelah lulus. Dengan begitu, fakultas ini juga memberikan fasilitas yang memadai dan memenuhi standar universitas supaya dapat menumbuhkan semangat belajar mahasiswa.

4. Pascasarjana

Tak kalah dengan program Diploma III dan Sarjana, Universitas PGRI Palembang juga membuka program pascasarjana. Terdiri dari 2 jurusan, ialah Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia.

5. Fakultas Ekonomi

Memberikan 2 jurusan, ialah manajemen dan akuntansi. Pada awal berdirinya tahun 2000, berada di lantai 2 gedung rektorat. Kemudian pada tahun 2004 pindah ke gedung D dan F Fakultas. Kemudian mulai tahun 2012 hingga sekarang menduduki lantai 4 gedung G.

Visi Fakultas ke depan merupakan sebagai penyelenggara pendidikan yang unggul dalam bidang ekonomi dan bisnis. Bersama misi meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana untuk seluruh civitas akademika secara berkelanjutan. Maka sisfo dapat menghasilkan lulusan yang siap bekerja di masa depan.

Mengetahui perkembangan dunia pendidikan saat ini, tidak menutup kemungkinan ketika beberapa tahun ke depan akan dibuka jurusan pascasarjana pada disiplin ilmu lainnya. Untuk memantau informasi lebih lengkap tentang alur pendaftaran Sisfo Universitas PGRI Palembang, Anda dapat mengakses melalui situs canmydog.

5 Rekomendasi Fakultas Kedokteran Terbaik di Indonesia 2024-2025

Pendidikan kedokteran di Indonesia sebagai salah satu pilihan favorit untuk banyak calon mahasiswa. Jika Anda merupakan salah satu calon mahasiswa yang ingin kuliah kedokteran, menentukan kampus terbaik menjadi langkah awal yang penting.

Di Indonesia, memiliki beberapa perguruan tinggi dengan fakultas kedokteran yang terbukti menghasilkan lulusan berkualitas dan berprestasi, baik di tingkat nasional ataupun internasional.

Daftar Fakultas Kedokteran Terbaik di Indonesia

1. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK UGM)

Fakultas Kedokteran tertua yang berada sejak 5 Maret 1946 ini terletak di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. FK UGM di kenal bersama program pendidikannya yang komprehensif dan penelitian yang unggul.

Fakultas ini juga mempunyai rumah sakit pendidikan sendiri, yaitu RSUD Dr. Sardjito yang sebagai tempat praktik klinis untuk para mahasiswa. Reputasi FK UGM di kancah internasional juga cukup baik.

2. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FK UI)

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FK UI) adalah salah satu fakultas kedokteran tertua dan bergengsi di Indonesia. Berada sejak 2 Februari 1950, FK UI mempunyai reputasi menjadi fakultas bersama kualitas akademik terbaik. Di dukung oleh staf pengajar yang ahli dan fasilitas laboratorium yang modern, FK UI sebagai pilihan utama untuk banyak calon mahasiswa kedokteran.

Jika anda ingin kuliah di sini, tentu tidak akan mudah, persaingannya hampir di seluruh Indonesia. Akan tetapi jangan khawatir, untuk masuk ke FK UI selain SNMPTN/SBMPTN ada juga Simak UI yang bisa kamu coba.

Baca juga: 5 Best AI Productivity Tools List of 2024-2025

3. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro (FK Undip)

Universitas Diponegoro atau yang di kenal atas nama Undip berdiri pada 1 Oktober 1961 dan berada di Semarang, Jawa Tengah. FK Undip mempunyai rekam jejak yang baik dalam mencetak dokter-dokter yang berkualitas.

Program akademiknya di dukung bersama kurikulum berstandar internasional, dengan fasilitas modern yang mendukung pembelajaran praktis dan penelitian.

4. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga (FK Unair)

Berada di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. FK Unair adalah salah satu sekolah kedokteran terkemuka di Indonesia. Bersama rumah sakit pendidikan terpadu, RSUD Dr. Soetomo, FK Unair mempunyai program pendidikan dan penelitian yang solid yang berfokus pada isu kesehatan tropis dan pengembangan teknologi medis.

5. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran (FK Unpad)

FK Unpad yang berada di Bandung, Jawa Barat, mempunyai tradisi pendidikan kedokteran yang kuat. Selain akademis, fakultas ini juga terkenal bersama program pengabdian terhadap masyarakat dan kerja sama dengan berbagai lembaga internasional.

FK Unpad di bangun atas 2 filosofi, ialah kesejahteraan masyarakat dan kebersamaan dalam silaturahmi. Hal tersebut sebagai landasan untuk FK Unpad untuk terus maju setiap tahunnya.

5 Best AI Productivity Tools List of 2024-2025

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way we work, increasing productivity and making tasks that used to take up a lot of our time easier. However, with so many ways to use AI, it can be overwhelming to identify which apps are best for your specific needs.

In this guide, I’ll cover the best AI productivity tools available in 2024-2025, and break them down by type, to help you make informed decisions to improve your efficiency and workflow.

What are AI productivity tools?

Ultimately, this is a very broad term, which is why this list is so extensive (and will likely grow even further!). However, we define AI productivity tools as tools that use some form of AI to simplify tasks that many people do regularly in their roles.

On this list, you’ll see AI tools that will help you be more productive in any role, and even some tools that can help very specific roles—like academia and marketing.

Also Read: Here Are 5 Strategies for Writing a Harvard College Essay

Here are the 5 Best AI Production Tools Recommendations

1. Chatbot

ChatGPT is a native AI-powered conversational agent that can help with a variety of tasks, from brainstorming to writing emails and even coding. One of ChatGPT’s standout features is its versatility.

You can use it for almost anything—brainstorming, writing, coding, and more. The tool leverages advanced models including GPT-4o, GPT-4, and GPT-3.5. Whether you’re looking for quick answers, detailed research, or creative inspiration, ChatGPT has you covered. It’s like having a personal assistant available 24/7, ready to help you with whatever you need.

2. Task management

I’m starting this list with my favorite apps, and for good reason. I’ve included Motion here under AI task management tools, but you can also find it under the scheduling apps section, as it’s equally great in both areas.

Motion is a powerful AI-powered productivity tool designed for individuals and teams with busy schedules. Seamlessly integrating calendar management, project scheduling, and to-do lists, Motion helps users streamline their daily activities and improve overall efficiency.

3. Research assistant

Confusion has changed the way I search for information online, and it feels like I’ve hired a personal research assistant every time I use it. It’s a great AI productivity tool that provides first-hand, citation-backed sources from trusted news outlets, academic papers, and established blogs.

For those who opt for the paid version, there are additional benefits like access to advanced language models like GPT-4o, Claude-3, Sonar Large (LLaMa 3), and more.

4. Marketing & design

Canva is a graphic design tool that simplifies the process of creating social media graphics, presentations, infographics, and more. Canva touts an extensive template library, making it a great way to create professional-looking designs. One of Canva’s most impressive features is its AI-powered design suite, Magic Studio.

A standout AI feature is Magic Design, which helps you quickly create custom templates based on text commands. Other examples include the AI ​​writing assistant, Magic Write, along with Magic Media for video content. Integration with other tools is seamless, allowing you to easily import and export designs. Whether you’re creating marketing materials, educational content, or social media posts, Canva has you covered.

5. Meeting Transcription

Otter is an AI meeting assistant that records, transcribes, and summarizes your meetings, whether they’re live or via Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams. One of Otter’s standout features is its ability to highlight key points in the transcription, making it easy to review important information later. You can search for text to play back the audio at a customizable speed, and tap words to jump to specific points in the recording.

Here Are 5 Strategies for Writing a Harvard College Essay

When deciding who to accept into their programs, colleges consider a number of criteria, including high school grades, extracurricular activities, and ACT and SAT scores. But in recent years, more and more colleges have moved away from considering test scores.

However, many colleges (including Harvard until 2026) have instituted a “test-blind” admissions policy that places less emphasis on other elements of the college application. The policy change is seen as fairer to students who don’t have the means or access to take tests, or who suffer from test anxiety.

So what does this mean for you?

Your college essay, traditionally a requirement of every college application, is more important than ever.

The college essay is your unique opportunity to introduce yourself to an admissions committee that must sift through thousands of applications each year. It’s your chance to stand out as someone who deserves a spot in that class.

A well-written, thoughtful essay—one that reflects who you are and what you believe—can go a long way toward distinguishing your application from the many forgettable essays that admissions officers read. After all, officers may be relying more on essays now that many colleges no longer consider test scores.

Below, we’ll discuss some strategies you can use to help your essay stand out from the crowd. We’ll cover how to start your essay, what to write in your college essay, and the elements that make a great college essay.

Also Read: Here is the List of Top Fulbright Scholarship Institutions

Grab the Reader Right From the Start

You’ll be competing with a ton of other applicants for the attention of admissions officers, so start your essay with an opening sentence or paragraph that grabs their attention right away. This could be a bold statement, a thoughtful quote, a question you pose, or a descriptive scene.

Starting your essay on a strong foundation with a clear thesis statement can often help you along the way. If your assignment is to tell a great story, a bold beginning can be a natural way to get there, serving as a road map, engaging the reader from the start, and setting a purpose for your writing.

Be Authentic

Most importantly, choose a topic or perspective that is consistent with who you are. Readers can sense when a writer is being inauthentic.

Inauthenticity can mean using overly flowery language that no one would ever use in conversation, or it can mean choosing a frivolous topic that doesn’t say much about you.

Use your own voice, sense of humor, and natural speech.

Whatever subject you choose, make sure it’s something that’s truly important to you and not something you’ve chosen just to impress others. You can write about a particular experience, hobby, or personality quirk that illustrates your strengths, but don’t be afraid to write about your weaknesses.

Being honest about a trait, situation, or childhood background that you want to improve may be more memorable to readers than a sloppy victory speech.

Focus on Deeper Themes

Many essay writers think they’ll impress the committee by filling their essays with facts, figures, and descriptions of activities, such as sports wins or volunteer work. But that’s not the point. Admissions officers are interested in learning more about who you are as a person and what makes you tick.

They want to know what brought you to this point in your life. They want to read about the realizations you may have gained through your struggles and triumphs, not just how many games you won on the soccer team or how many people you served at the soup kitchen.

Tell the reader how winning a soccer game helped you grow as a person, a friend, a family member, or a leader. Make connections to your volunteering at the soup kitchen and how it inspired your educational journey and future aspirations. What did you discover about yourself?

Try Something Different

If you want your essay to stand out, think about approaching your subject from a completely new perspective. While many students may choose to write about their triumphs, for example, what if you wrote an essay about what you learned from all your defeats?

If you are a particularly gifted writer, you may play with the element of surprise by crafting an essay that leaves the answer to the question until the last sentence.

You want to avoid common themes, such as sports-related obstacles or triumphs, volunteer stories, immigration stories, moving, summaries of personal accomplishments, or overcoming obstacles.

However, these themes are popular for a reason. They represent the breadth of most people’s lives after high school. As such, it may be less important to avoid these topics than to take a fresh approach.

Show, Don’t Tell

As you develop whatever theme you’ve decided to explore in your essay, remember to show, don’t tell.

The most engaging writing “shows” by setting the scene and providing anecdotes, rather than simply listing accomplishments and activities. Repetitive lists of activities are also boring. Admissions officers want to know about your emotional journey, too.

Here is the List of Top Fulbright Scholarship Institutions

The Top Fulbright Scholarship Institutions are grouped according to the Carnegie Classification, and represent several institutions involved with the Fulbright Program and ensuring its broad impact on American communities across the country.

The list of Institutions with the highest number of US Fulbright Scholarship recipients with their classifications are:

Master’s: Western Washington University, California Polytechnic State University, Salem State University (Massachusetts)

Doctorate: Pennsylvania State University

Assistant: Kirkwood Community College (Iowa)

Special Focus: Oregon Health & Science University

Baccalaureate: Middlebury College (Vermont)

US Fulbright Scholarship recipients are faculty, researchers, administrators, and established professionals who teach or conduct research affiliated with institutions abroad.

The list of institutions with the largest number of U.S. Fulbright students in their classification is:

Master’s: University of North Georgia

Doctoral: Georgetown University (District of Columbia)

Special Focus: School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Illinois)

Baccalaureate: Bowdoin College (Maine)

U.S. Fulbright students are recent college graduates, graduate students, and early career professionals who participate in study/research exchanges or work as English teaching assistants at local schools abroad.

Twelve institutions are identified as the top producers of U.S. Fulbright Students and U.S. Scholars: Arizona State University, Bowdoin College (Maine), George Washington University (District of Columbia), Middlebury College (Vermont), North Carolina State University at Raleigh, Reed College (Oregon), Rollins College (Florida), School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Illinois), University of Alabama, University of Maryland – College Park, University of Massachusetts – Amherst, and University of Southern California.

Also Read: Here’s How to Get the FAFSA in 2024-2025

Here is a complete list of all Top Fulbright Institutions by category.

Lee Satterfield, Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, praised the award recipients: “The 2023-24 Fulbright Institutions represent the diversity of America’s higher education community. Their dedicated administrators, faculty, and advisors support students and scholars to fulfill their potential and rise to the global challenges of the future through the Fulbright Program. We congratulate them, and all Fulbright scholars who are already making a positive impact around the world.”

The institutions across the United States that have been named Top Fulbright Scholars demonstrate that public and private colleges and universities of all types and sizes are helping their students and faculty share knowledge across their communities through the Fulbright program.

Fulbright Scholars Making an Impact in STEM Fields

Fulbright Scholars and their Top Scholars represent the diversity of U.S. higher education. Students and faculty selected for the Fulbright Program come from diverse backgrounds, including those underrepresented in STEM research. When they return, they bring international and cross-cultural perspectives to their research and classroom teaching, and often help build international relationships for their U.S. colleges and universities.

New Top Producers

Fourteen colleges and universities, including six community colleges, are named Fulbright Top Producers for the first time.

Doctoral, Masters, Baccalaureate, and Special Focus Institutions

Hampden-Sydney College

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

Kansas City Art Institute

Maine College of Art & Design

Roseman University of Health Sciences

University of California, Riverside

State University of New York at Albany

Related Institutions

Bluegrass Community and Technical College

Ashland Community and Technical College

Community College of Allegheny County

Genesee Community College

Kirkwood Community College

Pitt Community College

Oxford College of Emory University

Here’s How to Get the FAFSA in 2024-2025

Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, which opened Nov. 18 to all applicants, is one of the most important steps students and their families can take to pay for college. Many states now require completion of the FAFSA as a requirement for high school graduation.

The U.S. Department of Education provided about $114.1 billion in federal grants, loans and work-study funds in fiscal year 2023, according to the latest annual Federal Student Aid Report. The federal funds helped more than 9.7 million students complete their education, according to the unaudited report. Federal financial aid can be borrowed, earned through work-study or awarded — for example, as a grant. Here are answers to common questions about the FAFSA.

What’s the FAFSA?

“The FAFSA is the gateway to all federal financial aid for students,” said Michele Shepard Zampini, senior director of college affordability at The Institute for College Access and Success. “All grant programs — including the Pell Grant — and all student loan programs go through the FAFSA. So without filing it, you’re not eligible for any aid.” States and many colleges also use the FAFSA to select their own aid.

A common misconception about the FAFSA is that families think they won’t qualify for any financial aid, experts say. “People say, ‘I make too much money, I’m never going to qualify,'” says Johnnie Johnson, vice president of enrollment management at Washington College in Maryland. “You don’t know unless you fill it out. The good thing about the FAFSA is that it’s free, so there’s no harm in filling it out. Just fill it out no matter what.”

How to Apply for Financial Aid Through the FAFSA

Families can fill out the FAFSA application online using a computer, phone or tablet. The Federal Student Aid website is mobile-responsive, so the page should fit any screen size and shape of the device.

Gather Your FAFSA Documents

There is a list of documents required to complete the FAFSA. Families will need a Social Security number (if applicable), driver’s license number or state ID number, alien registration number for non-U.S. citizens, tax information, records of untaxed income, recent bank statements and net worth of investments, farms and businesses – if applicable – and a list of schools the student plans to attend.

Create an FSA ID

The first step before completing the FAFSA is to create an FSA ID, which serves as an electronic signature and is used to create a account. All contributors—parents, stepparents, spouses, or anyone else required to provide information on a student’s form—must create an FSA ID.

Parents and students can find a link to obtain an FSA ID through the Federal Student Aid website. To create a unique ID, applicants will need their Social Security number (if applicable), email address, date of birth, and name as it appears on official documents.

Read Also: 3 List of the Best International University Scholarships to Study in the USA

Enter Student and Parent Information

To apply for financial aid through the FAFSA, families must enter information about their citizenship and marital status, legal residency, and Social Security number, if applicable.

Applicants must also list at least one school to which they are applying or have applied so that schools can receive their information. Students can list up to 20 institutions on the online form or up to 10 on the printed version. After submitting the form, students can still remove or add colleges to their list.

Enter Financial Information

The FAFSA uses tax information from what is known as the “prior year” – a verified federal tax return from two years ago. A family completing the FAFSA for the 2025-2026 school year will want to use their 2023 tax return. Using a verified tax return from a previous year eliminates the need to use estimates on the form.

Review and Submit Your FAFSA

When completing the FAFSA, the student and parent, if the applicant is filing as a dependent, are required to sign the form – either digitally using their FSA ID or by hand on a paper version.

3 List of the Best International University Scholarships to Study in the USA

It’s no secret that the US is one of the most expensive countries to study in, but don’t let that deter you, as there are hundreds of opportunities to get funding for your studies here.

As an international student, you won’t be eligible for any funding specifically for US citizens. However, as US universities prioritize internationalization, the number of international scholarships to study in the US has increased. There are also several US universities that offer admissions without the need for international students.

Below are some of the US scholarships for international students, some funded by the US government, some funded by private organizations, and some funded by specific institutions. Good luck with your application!

Information on US Government-funded Scholarships for International Students

Fulbright Foreign Student Program

About the most popular US government-funded scholarship for international students, Fulbright provides scholarships for graduate students, young professionals, and artists to study in the US for a year or more. It is open to international students in all fields except medicine.

Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program

This is a non-degree scholarship program for experienced international professionals who wish to undertake 10 months of academic study in the US. While the funding does not support a degree qualification, students are able to study and develop their knowledge at a variety of academic institutions across the country.

US non-government scholarships for international students

#YouAreWelcomeHere Scholarship

The international scholarship is open to all international students who wish to study any subject at a participating US college or university (of which there are 57). You must submit an essay or video demonstrating your interest and initiative in promoting intercultural learning and exchange. (The Fall 2019 application deadline has passed, applications will open for the 2020 round in May 2019.)

Read Also: 5 Best Medical Schools in America 2024-2025

Civil Society Leadership Awards

Fully funded scholarships are available for students from eligible countries who wish to study in the US or other host countries at the master’s level.

University-specific US scholarships for international students

American University Emerging Global Leaders Scholarships

Undergraduate scholarships for study in the US at American University in Washington DC. Designed for international students who demonstrate leadership potential.

Brandeis University Vienna International Scholars Program

Funding opportunity for outstanding students interested in contributing to the student community.

Clark University Global Scholars Program

Scholarships of up to $10,000 plus a taxable stipend of $2,500 for paid internships are available for first-year international applicants.

5 Best Medical Schools in America 2024-2025

A medical career begins with finding the program that best fits your needs. With U.S. News rankings of the best medical schools by research, narrow your search by location, tuition budget, school size, and test scores.

The footnotes below list schools that declined to complete the U.S. News statistical survey. Please review our methodology to see how this school’s data was used in the rankings.

Here are the Top Medical Schools in America

1. Case Western Reserve University

The School of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University has an application deadline of November 1. The application fee at Case Western Reserve University is $95. Full-time tuition: $69,712 (in-state) and full-time: $69,712 (out-of-state). The faculty-to-student ratio at Case Western Reserve University is 3.5:1. The School of Medicine has 3,304 full-time faculty members.

2. Baylor College of Medicine

Baylor College of Medicine has an application deadline of November 1st. The application fee at Baylor College of Medicine is $100. Full-time tuition is $19,425 (in-state) and full-time tuition is $32,525 (out-of-state). The faculty-to-student ratio at Baylor College of Medicine is 3.6:1. The medical school has 2,748 full-time faculty.

Read Also: 5 Best Universities in America According to Forbes 2025

3. Mayo Clinic School of Medicine

Mayo Clinic School of Medicine (Alix) has an application deadline of October 1. The application fee at Mayo Clinic School of Medicine (Alix) is $120. Full-time tuition is: $64,000 (in-state) and full-time: $64,000 (out-of-state). The faculty-to-student ratio at Mayo Clinic School of Medicine (Alix) is 2:1. The medical school has 845 full-time faculty members.

4. Emory University

Emory University School of Medicine has an application deadline of October 15. The application fee at Emory University is $120. Full-time tuition is: $54,000 (in-state) and full-time: $54,000 (out-of-state). The faculty-to-student ratio at Emory University is 4:1. The medical school has 2,390 full-time faculty members.

5. Hofstra University/Northwell Health

Hofstra University/Northwell Health at Hofstra University/Northwell Health (Zucker) has an application deadline of November 1. The application fee at Hofstra University/Northwell Health (Zucker) is $125. Full-time tuition: $56,250 (in-state) and full-time: $56,250 (out-of-state). The faculty-to-student ratio at Hofstra University/Northwell Health (Zucker) is 8.3:1. Hofstra University/Northwell Health has 3,307 full-time faculty members.

5 Best Universities in America According to Forbes 2025

For the second year in a row, Princeton University has earned the #1 spot alongside a lead in all 14 metrics Forbes uses to determine which 500 American colleges provide the best educational, financial and career outcomes for all students. Among the standout numbers: a 97% six-year graduation rate for low-income students. But there’s also notable movement on the list, with Houston’s Rice University making the top 10 for the first time, jumping to #9 from #22 last year, thanks in part to its low student debt. Earlier this year, Rice was one of ten private schools, along with 10 public schools, to be named the “New Ivies.” Also notable: At a time when applications to historically Black colleges and universities are soaring and diversity efforts at some public universities are being scaled back, six HBCUs earned spots in the top 500, up from three last year.

While we don’t include school acceptance rates in our rankings, this year we decided to ease some of the concerns of high school seniors by highlighting top schools with acceptance rates that are not below 10%, such as Princeton, Stanford, or MIT. Thirty-eight of our top 100 schools accept more than 30% of applicants, and 16 of them accept 50% or more—in other words, these are great schools with lower acceptance rates. Also new this year, because school size is not factored into our rankings, we’ve created a sublist of the 50 best small colleges for students looking for the supportive environment and small class sizes that these schools offer. As in previous years, we’re also highlighting the top 5 public colleges, the top 5 private colleges that provide generous financial aid, and the top 5 schools that provide the best return on investment. For our essential rankings on the financial health of private colleges, click here . For a closer look at our rankings methodology, click here .

Here is the List of the Best and Most Favorite Colleges in America

1. Princeton University

Princeton University is a private Ivy League research university located in Princeton, New Jersey. As the fourth oldest college in the United States, Princeton has a long history spanning 276 years. The university offers 37 degree concentrations and over 50 interdepartmental certificate programs, with some of the most popular majors being the social sciences, engineering, public administration, and social service professions.

Read also: Here’s How Stanford University Has Helped Develop Silicon Valley

2. Stanford University

The San Francisco Bay Area is home to over 7,700 undergraduate students and nearly 10,000 graduate students at Stanford University for the Fall 2022 quarter. Known globally for its STEM programs, Stanford also provides academic programs from each of its seven schools, including humanities, law, and business. The university boasts a student-to-faculty ratio of 5:1, with 2,304 faculty members. Stanford has produced a number of notable alumni, including Nobel Prize winners Carl Wieman, Paul Milgrom, and Roger Kornberg — who continues to teach at the university’s Medical School.

3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is remembered for its groundbreaking discoveries in science, research, and technology. The university’s acceptance rate is also competitive, admitting just 3.9% of the more than 33,000 applicants for the class of 2026. Last fiscal year, MIT’s total endowment was $24.6 billion, with funds going to research, education, and scholarships. In 2023, the average family earning just under $140,000 would cover full undergraduate tuition, thanks to its endowment.4. Yale University

4. Yale University

Yale University has a centuries-long history that solidifies its position among the Ivy League and stands as one of the most prestigious schools in the United States. In 2023, Yale’s competitive admissions reportedly accepted less than 5 percent of applicants, the lowest acceptance rate in the school’s recent history. The university provides degree-granting academic programs across 14 schools, including Yale College, the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, and the Yale Professional School. The university prides itself on its research efforts, with more than 70 core research facilities and $900 million in external funding for fiscal year 2022.

5. University of California, Berkeley

UC Berkeley’s accomplishments extend beyond academics with pride rooted in history, discovery, and social contribution. With more than 35,000 students, students can choose from 350 degree programs across 130 academic departments. Not only is UC Berkeley the all-time leading producer of Peace Corps members, but it also boasts an impressive alumni base of 35 Nobel Prize winners—nine of whom are current faculty. UC Berkeley athletics are also renowned for their broad academic offerings. 121 Olympic gold medals have been awarded to students and alumni and remains highly respected along with 98 National Championships. In 2023, the university recorded the highest California enrollment of its student body of more than 125,800.

Here’s How Stanford University Has Helped Develop Silicon Valley

When we think of Silicon Valley, images of tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Apple often come to mind. However, behind this thriving ecosystem lies a powerful force that has fundamentally shaped the landscape of innovation — Stanford University. Located in the heart of California’s most famous tech haven, Stanford is more than just an academic institution; it is a launching pad for ingenuity and entrepreneurship. With its halls filled with world-changing research and innovative ideas, the university has played a vital role in turning dreams into tangible realities. Join us as we explore how Stanford University catalyzed the rise of Silicon Valley and continues to influence the future of technology!

Silicon Valley Facts and Its Significance in the Tech Industry

Silicon Valley is synonymous with innovation. It is a vibrant ecosystem where tech giants thrive, startups emerge, and innovative ideas are born every second. But what drives this dynamic region’s relentless drive to move forward? At the heart of it all is Stanford University, an institution that has played a significant role in shaping the landscape of Silicon Valley.

Founded in 1885, Stanford has grown from humble beginnings into one of the world’s leading research universities. Its influence extends far beyond academia; the university serves as a launching pad for many entrepreneurs and innovators. The synergy between Stanford and Silicon Valley is undeniable—a relationship that is deeply rooted in history but continues to evolve to meet the demands of the tech industry of the future.

Join us as we explore how Stanford University’s contributions have been integral to the development of Silicon Valley. From nurturing entrepreneurship to producing some of the most influential minds in technology, discover why the university remains a key player in one of the world’s most exciting regions.

Also Read: Harvard University Named the #1 College by College Raptor for 2024

Stanford University’s early history and connection to entrepreneurship

Stanford University was founded in 1885 by Leland Stanford and his wife, Jane. Their vision was to create a university that would serve the sons and daughters of California’s working class. This idea laid the foundation for an institution deeply connected to innovation.

From its inception, Stanford fostered an entrepreneurial spirit. Its founders promoted practical learning alongside traditional academics. Since the 1890s, students have explored ways to apply their knowledge to real-world problems.

The university’s proximity to San Francisco helped foster relationships with emerging industries. Many graduates started businesses shortly after leaving campus, creating a ripple effect that reverberated throughout California.

This unique combination of education and entrepreneurial drive set Stanford apart from other institutions at the time, making it a critical player in shaping the future innovators and business leaders who would transform Silicon Valley into a global technology hub.

How Stanford’s location in Silicon Valley influenced its growth and development
Stanford University’s location in the heart of Silicon Valley has played a critical role in its growth and development. Nestled between the San Francisco Bay and the Santa Clara Valley, Stanford is surrounded by some of the world’s most innovative companies.

Proximity to these tech giants fosters collaboration. Students benefit from networking opportunities with industry leaders, while researchers gain access to cutting-edge technology.

As such, being part of Silicon Valley fosters an entrepreneurial spirit on campus. Many students are inspired to launch their own startups or engage in groundbreaking research that addresses real-world problems.

The vibrant ecosystem fosters the exchange of ideas between academics and industry professionals. This synergy not only enriches Stanford’s curriculum but also propels it to a leadership position in technological advancement. The result? A continuous cycle of innovation that transforms education and technology at every turn.

Harvard University Named the #1 College by College Raptor for 2024

In College Raptor’s 2024 list of the 50 Best Colleges in America, Harvard University sits at the top! Regularly ranked among the best schools in the country, College Raptor’s rankings consider several factors when choosing the best colleges and universities. These factors include diversity, endowment, graduation rates, student-to-faculty ratios, first-year retention rates, and more.

A Brief History of Harvard

A private Ivy League research university, Harvard University is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Originally founded as Harvard College (named for its benefactor, John Harvard) in 1636, by the 1800s, the school was already one of the most prestigious among Boston’s elite. Women were admitted in the late 19th century, and the school experienced rapid growth throughout the 20th century.

Why is Harvard a Top-Rated School? Harvard students and faculty are world-renowned for their outstanding academic achievements. Home to state-of-the-art facilities and libraries, the university provides numerous research opportunities and conducts groundbreaking research in a number of fields. Harvard also has a strong sense of tradition, a large alumni network, a low student-to-faculty ratio, and a robust financial aid program.

Harvard University has produced Presidents of the United States, living billionaires, Olympians (who have won 110 medals), Fulbright Scholars, Rhode Scholars, and others who have excelled in their fields. Students and faculty are committed to research, innovation, public service, and learning as a whole. The university is also known for its outstanding traditions and outstanding athletic programs.

Also Read: Here’s How Stanford University Has Helped Develop Silicon Valley

Here’s How to Give Yourself a Chance at Getting into Harvard?

Approximately 61,000 students applied to Harvard University in 2022 – and only 3% were accepted. To say Harvard is highly selective is an understatement! It’s incredibly difficult to get into the school, so planning is a must.

Here are some tips to increase your chances of getting that coveted Harvard University acceptance letter:

1. Excel on the SAT/ACT

Harvard University doesn’t technically require these tests, but they strongly recommend that students submit their SAT or ACT scores because they prefer to do so. On average, Harvard students who are accepted have an ACT Composite score between 34-35 or between 1,500-1,550 on the SAT. Taking practice tests, working on your weaknesses, and partnering with a tutor can help improve your score on these exams.

2. Get High Grades, Have a Full Schedule, and Be Enthusiastic About Learning

A 4.0 isn’t enough to improve your chances of getting into Harvard. Students need to earn high grades on a tight schedule. This means taking tough classes like Advanced Placement (AP) and doing well. Students should also take steps to learn outside of the classroom through extracurricular activities, internships, and other opportunities.

3. Make Your Application as Strong as Possible

To stand out, your application needs to show why you would be an outstanding addition to Harvard. Not only should you list all of your accomplishments and activities, but you’ll also need a stellar essay and stellar letters of recommendation.

4. Highlight Community Involvement

Harvard also values ​​students who are involved outside of the classroom, who demonstrate leadership, and who are committed to improving the world around them. Athletics, student clubs, and volunteer work will all help your application tremendously!

5. Get in Early

Did you know that applying through Early Action can actually increase your chances of getting in? Applications are non-binding, so you can also apply to other schools through Early Action. However, it’s important to note that more students are applying early these days, so competition will remain fierce.

Harvard University has a history of nearly 400 years, is globally renowned for its academic programs and research, and produces students who continue to achieve amazing things. It’s clear from the statistics why Harvard is a top-ranked school for 2024! Learn more about Harvard University, its admissions opportunities, costs, and more here.